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The Importance for the Gender Equality Education Subjects Among the Sexual Offenders in Military Prison
作者 林明傑方韻
國軍縮減役期後,性侵害犯罪案件佔國軍整體犯罪案件之比例逐年升高至五分之一,排名第一並領先原本逃兵與毒品兩大類。本研究是以研究者根據治療性侵者多年之臨床經鹼,嘗試建立性別平等教育課程,經由研究者對軍監性侵害受刑人解說課程後,請其對課程內容之重要性進行分數評量,作為建議日後規劃相關課程之方向。研究者對24位受刑人以連續兩堂課解說十八項課程內容,項目重要性以五點量表分為1至5分;結果發現,94%的項目得分超過3.5分,其中分數最高的前三項分別是「性行為與法律(4.75分)」、「性侵害定義(4.58分)」、「合法性滿足(4.38分)」。前兩者屬於較傾向法律之內容,而第三名為性行為的原則則較偏向生活的知識,顯示二者均屬重要不可偏於任何一方。其後,再要求填答者選出第一與第二重要之課程,結果發現,16位(佔66.7%)回答者認為「性行為與法律」是第一重要的課程,原因為「嘹解法律規定,避免再度再犯」和「學習保護自己與他人」;而第二高者則佔4位(佔14%)為「性侵害定義」,所述之原因為「學習兩性之間的尊重」和「瞭解法律規定,避免再度再犯」。本研究建議,國防部應增加性別平等與性侵害防治教育之質與量,並統整出有效之課程教案,另外亦建議國軍每年應加強訓練性別平等與性侵害防治種子教官,並以軍法官、心理輔導官、及政戰主管為主軸,使相關課程與知識能在軍中定期演講與傳播,促進軍中性別平等之提升。 After shortening the military service term in Taiwan, the sexual crime has became the biggest crime type of military prison, and more than the deserter and the drug crimes which used to be the highest. The purpose of this study was finding the rank of importance among 18 gender equality subjects. Samples were 24 sexual offender inmates in military prison. 94% of these subjects were responded to be more than 3.5 as the level of importance based on the 5- point Likert-type Scale, The highest 3 important subjects are “sexual behavior and the law (4.75)''“sexual offense definition (4.58)''and “what are legal sexual behaviors (4.38)''. The first two subjects are close to the law content, and the third one is close to the common knowledge. It means that gender equality lesson in military should include both parts of them. While examining the ranking by the respondents, the first two important items are “sexual behavior and the law” and “sexual offense definition”. In the end, the author suggested that the gender equality education and sexual offense prevention education should be increased in the military, and the content should be collected and organized as well. We also suggest justice practitioners, counselors, and political education officers should work as a team to spread this knowledge periodically to improve the gender equality in the military.
起訖頁 46-78
關鍵詞 性侵害性侵害加害人性別平等教育軍隊教育sexual crimesexual offendergender equality educationmilitary education
刊名 矯政  
期數 201307 (2:2期)
出版單位 法務部矯正署
該期刊-上一篇 藥癮者跨國婚姻文化適應教育團體初探
該期刊-下一篇 受刑人之服刑狀況、違規行為與內在抑制力之比較研究




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