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A Comparative Research of Imprisonment Conditions, Rule Violations, and Inner-Containment of Inmates
作者 江振亨
一、研究目的:本研究旨在分析成年男性受刑人之不同特性、在監生活、違規與內在抑制力表現等差異,以提供矯正處遇之參考。 二、研究方法:以成年監獄有違規之男性受刑人為樣本隨機選取120名,另以無違規之男性受刑人為樣本隨機選取120名,施以基本資料問卷及內在抑制力量表,經調查後回收有效問卷218份,回收率90.8%,其中無違規者計107名(佔49.1%),有違規者計111名(佔50.9%),資料以SPSS統計軟體進行描述統計、卡方分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析等資料處理。 三、研究結果:有違規者平均以入監後29.5個月發生第一次違規行為。違規發生於入監後一年內者佔26.1%。學歷較低者、單身者、與配偶關係不和諧者、入監後曾看診過精神科者其違規比例明顯較高。自陳「在監感到壓力者」,在內在抑制力總分及其分變項問題解決、慎思性、自信心、情緒穩定之表現均明顯低於「在監未感到壓力者」。在監違規次數與問題解決、慎思性及內在抑制力總分呈現顯著負相關。 Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the differences of respondents’ characteristics, imprisonment conditions, misconducts and inner-containment traits of adult male inmates. Methods: There were 218 inmates in this study. 107 inmates (49.1%) had no record of violating rules and 111 inmates (50.9%) had records of violating rules while in prison. The prisoners completed questionnaires about demographic varieties, imprisonment conditions and inner-containment. Descriptive statistical analysis, Chi-square analysis, t-test, ANOVA and analysis of correlation had been used to analyze the results. Findings: In the group of subjects who had records of violating rules, committing the first rule- violation behavior after entering prison was average to 29.5 months and their first- misconduct occurred within one year after entering prison was 26.1%. The educational degree of rule-violators was significantly lower than that of non rule- violators. Married inmates were less likely to commit rule violations than were unmarried ones. Rule-violators were significantly in discord with their wives. The outpatient proportion of psychiatric department in prison of rule-violators was significantly higher than that of non rule-violators. Offenders, who felt the stresses of life in prison, would have significantly lower performance levels in varieties of inner-containment than that of offenders who didn't feel the pressure in prison. The frequency of violating rules was negatively related to the varieties of problem-solving, prudence and whole inner-containment. Implications for research and correctional strategies are discussed.
起訖頁 80-108
關鍵詞 內在抑制力受刑人監獄違規壓力Inner-containmentInmatePrisonRule ViolationStress
刊名 矯政  
期數 201307 (2:2期)
出版單位 法務部矯正署
該期刊-上一篇 軍監性侵害加害者對性別平等教育課程內容重要性之研究
該期刊-下一篇 監獄暴動事件的探討




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