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A Pilot Study of Educational Group of Culture Adaption for Drug Abusers of Transnational Marriage
作者 郭玟蘭吳迅寬林正昇蔡協利
政府致力於強化新移民家庭的服務,使其在生活適應、子女教養及婚姻問題上得到實質性幫助。然新移民女性若與藥癮者成婚,除了生活及文化適應面臨許多挑戰之外,婚姻過程中又須面對先生經常性的缺位,更容易使婚姻之路多舛,提高藥癮再犯之可能性。此一社會服務的缺角,便引發筆者研究並提供相關處遇的動機。團體設計與研究方法運用:「儒家關係主義」為思考架構、「人情與面子理論」核心概念為基礎,以立意取樣方式篩選團體成員並設定相關主題,內容搭配影片的欣賞與討論進行結構式帶領,再以現象學資料分析法進行質性評量。 研究發現與討論:經研究分析,發現現今辦多民家庭特質與過去的研究報告大異其趣:一、澄清台籍先生的收入及其認識配偶的動機、角色期待、金援娘家等面向,並發現結婚為中斷用藥的重大原因,而文化適應對藥物濫用復發具有前導效果。二、在學歷上的差距為生活出現問題的要因之一,但真正造成高離婚率的原因在於出入監所的頻率與刑期;而與一般在地婚配相較,具有藥癮的新移民家庭擁有高達100倍的離婚率更加值得重視。三、台籍先生對配偶在台的適應協助呈現兩極化的差異,夫妻對相關社會資源利用的可及性與可近性偏低。結論:藥癮須以個人特質輔以家庭的協助才能有效減緩復發。本團體針對台籍先生進行輔導處遇及研究,期盼能以此作為其他監所對是類收容人處遇的參考,並使大眾了解其在接受社會服務上的被動性,以使相關服務措施能更臻完善。 Introduction: The government has been contributing to the service of immigrant families in many aspects. But foreign spouses who marry drug abusers have to face their husbands’ usual absence and often interfere their marriage adaptation to enhance the probability of re-use again. And this study wanted to discuss the issues. Method: The group design in the study was taken “Chinese Relationalism” for its framework and “Theory of Face and Favor” for its base. The group techniques were included topic discussion and film-watching by structurally leading. As the group ended, the group participators were assessed qualitatively by phenomenology data analysis. Result: The study finds some difference from past studies: (1) The marriagement is an important factor to protect abusers from drug re-use. (2) The divorce rate of the immigrant families with drug abusing problems is 100 times than the general local families. (3) Our results disclosures transnational couples have lower accessibility and utilizity on social resources. Conclusion: Overall, this study confirmed relapse for addiction could be effectively buffered by personality and family support. A pilot study was conducted to help transcendental couple in terms of family cohesion. Our findings could be not only feasible for incarcerated population, but could make people sense for absence of social resource in incarcerated population.
起訖頁 2-44
關鍵詞 藥癮者跨國婚姻台籍先生新移民女性drug abusertransnational marriageTaiwanese husbandnew immigrant female
刊名 矯政  
期數 201307 (2:2期)
出版單位 法務部矯正署
該期刊-下一篇 軍監性侵害加害者對性別平等教育課程內容重要性之研究




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