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A Faith-Based Restorative Justice in Prisons: An Example of “Sycamore Tree Project''
作者 陳祖輝
近年來修復式正義給世界各國在矯治處遇理念上,轉換新思考的「鏡頭」;根據2010年臺中女子監獄間接會面研究計畫所獲得之結論,推動修復式正義對於長期刑犯、宗教信仰者、女性受刑人等有明顯助益;2012年賡續在臺中女子監獄推動以信仰為基礎之監獄修復式正義:「桑樹計畫」(Sycamore Tree Project),盼能強化受刑人與被害人間之互動與對話機會。「桑樹計畫」源自於聖經內的原理,近年來透過國際更生團契(Prison Fellowship International),巳在美國、英國、澳大利亞、紐西蘭、北愛爾蘭、荷蘭、匈牙利、德國、南韓、香港、菲律賓、肯亞、南非等國家和地區的監獄內推廣,其中紐西蘭、澳大利亞與英國巳有成果和評估。該計畫旨在促進和引導被害者與加害者帶入修復、治療與和解之境。本文將介紹「桑樹計畫」之課程內容與發展近況;同時提供國內矯正機構參考,並對受刑人未來的「復歸」能夠竇現搭建橋樑之貢獻。 Recent years, transnational correctional concept has been changed to a new thanking on restorative justice. According to research conclusions of the indirect rendezvous program in Taichung Women Prison during 2010, promoting restorative justice is helpful for who are female inmates longtimers, and religious followers. In 2012, a faith-based restorative justice will be practiced in Taichung Women Prison and increase the opportunity of interaction and dialogue between offenders and victims. The Sycamore Tree Project is enlightened from the Biblical principles. Recently, it is widely spread in some prisons where are in U.S., U.K., Australia, New Zealand, North Ireland, Netherlands, Hungary, Germany, South Korea, Hong Kong, Philippines, Kenya, and South Africa. New Zealand, Australia, and U.K. already have some results and assessment particular. Facilitating the mediation process between victims of crime and offenders in an attempt to bring about restoration, healing, and reconciliation. This paper will introduce the content and development of Sycamore Tree Project. At the same time, it will be offered to the correctional institutions in Taiwan and be contributed to build a bridge which helps inmates to rehabilitate.
起訖頁 48-81
關鍵詞 信仰為基礎的修復式正義桑樹計畫復歸A Faith-Based Restorative Justice Sycamore Tree ProjectRehabilitation
刊名 矯政  
期數 201207 (1:2期)
出版單位 法務部矯正署
該期刊-上一篇 挪威的修復式正義——沿革、經驗與實務
該期刊-下一篇 抒寫自我探索團體之初探研究——如何運用正向心理學來改善藥癮者的自我概念




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