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Effects of a Flipped Classroom for Nursing Students Studying Biostatistics: Changes in Depth of Learning
作者 簡麗瑜 (Li-Yu Chien)
研究者教學經驗發現,學生難以將生物統計所學運用於研究文獻統計的判讀,且缺乏學習生物統計學的興趣,因而決心改變生物統計課程的教授內容與方式。研究對象為51位二技護理系學生,以翻轉教學模式理念設計生物統計課程教學,運用於推論性統計單元,導入研究文獻判讀的內容;以Bloom修訂版認知教育目標分類為依據,設計單元學習目標、教學活動、學習評量等;以學習單、學習成績、問卷調查等多元方式檢視學生的學習成效。從學習單分析結果顯示,學生具備研究文獻統計的判讀能力;從期末學生成績顯示,使用翻轉教學模式的學生表現,顯著高於未使用翻轉教學模式的學生;從問卷分析結果顯示,翻轉教學運用前後,學生學習深度獲得提升的人數比例顯著增多,且學生認為翻轉教學可促進「引發學習動機」、「透過討論幫助理解」、「反覆學習直到理解」及「自主安排學習」。研究者的期末教學評量表現為該校當年度統計教學評量成績的前10%。 Nursing students have been found not only to struggle with applying biostatistics knowledge in critical appraisal of research articles but also to lack interest in studying biostatistics. This study assessed the experiences of 51 baccalaureate nursing students studying biostatistics under a flipped classroom curriculum and particularly focused on the inferential statistics units of the curriculum. The curriculum design was based on the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, and it aligned with the learning objectives of the nursing program. The curriculum featured teaching activities and learning evaluations. Learning outcomes were multidimensionally assessed according to students’ worksheets, academic performance, and questionnaire responses. In their worksheets, the flipped classroom students presented competence in reading and appraising biostatistical research results. This study found that students who participated in the flipped classroom achieved better scores than the non-flipped-classroom students. The questionnaire results revealed that the number of students who had in-depth knowledge of the subject increased after implementation of the flipped classroom curriculum. The students perceived that the flipped classroom style promoted “learning motivation”, “comprehension through discussion”, “comprehension through repetitive study” and “learning autonomy”. The author’s teaching evaluation scores was ranked in the top 10% compared with her university colleagues in the academic year of 2015-2016.
起訖頁 119-153
關鍵詞 翻轉教學Bloom修訂版認知教育目標分類生物統計護理系學生flipped classroomrevised Bloom’s Taxonomybiostatisticsbaccalaureate nursing students
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 201803 (1:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 專題式專業服務學習之實踐與成效
該期刊-下一篇 高等教育全英語課堂教學個案研究




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