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Practices and Effects of Project-Based Professional Service-Learning
作者 楊子青
研究者為校內第一批「服務學習」課程的種子教師,93學年度起持續至今。本研究乃累積歷年實施經驗與省思,提出創新的「專題式專業服務學習」作法,其特色除根據「服務學習」四個主要階段進行專業服務學習課程的設計外,更延伸至畢業專題,結合非營利組織及在地社區的需求,以修習「行動應用軟體開發」課程延續至「專案實作」的資管系學生及廈門理工交流專班學生為參與對象。101~104學年度全校性「專業服務學習學習成效問卷」分析顯示:「專題式專業服務學習」課程之學生學習成效,顯著優於校內其他專業服務學習課程。研究者的教學評量分析顯示,採取「專題式專業服務學習」作法的課程,優於研究者任教之其他課程。研究者並獲校級教學傑出獎肯定。參與專題學生針對發展遲緩與社交恐懼症等心智障礙者所開發的App輔具,連續3年榮獲瑪利亞基金會App競賽首獎。研究結果並指出,「專題式專業服務學習」需要教師的長期投入,以及考量學生的不同特性來安排服務機構,才能有效培養學生運用專業所學來協助解決社會問題。 As one of the seeded teachers of service-learning courses in Providence University, the author has implemented a range of professional service-learning projects more than ten years. An innovative framework named “Project-Based Professional Service-Learning” is then proposed based on prior experiences. Subsequently, implementation of the framework from “Mobile Application Development” course to “Special Project” course is discussed. By analyzing the whole school’s student questionnaires for professional service-learning courses during the academic years of 2012- 2013 to 2015-2016, the results revealed that “Project-Based Professional Service-Learning” courses were more effective teaching methods than other types of courses. The author’s teaching feedback showed that the courses in which the “Project-Based Professional Service-Learning” teaching strategy was employed were superior to his other courses. In addition, the author won the teaching excellence award in his university. Students on the superior course developed three apps and won first prize in the Maria Social Welfare Foundation App Competition for three consecutive years. The study also indicates that successful “Project-Based Professional Service-Learning” requires teachers’ long-term experiences, and the considerations of the students’ characteristics to arrange social service organizations.
起訖頁 71-117
關鍵詞 行動應用專業服務學習專題式學習學習成效professional service-learningproject-based learninglearning effectsmobile application
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 201803 (1:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 專題式學習與數位遊戲設計應用於課程設計與教學成效之研究
該期刊-下一篇 護理系學生的生物統計翻轉教學成效:學習深度的改變




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