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Effects of Project-Based Learning and Digital-Game-Based Course Design
作者 王學武
本研究的目的旨在探討應用「專題式學習」與「數位遊戲設計」於三門數位遊戲設計專業課程中,學生是否能達到課程所設定的核心能力養成與專業知識學習之目標。本研究探討的三門專業選修課程中,「數位遊戲設計概論」為實作型課程,其課程目標是讓學生以分組的方式完成一款數位遊戲,在作業與教學活動的規劃上是依循「專題式學習」對專案設定的五個標準來設計;「3D遊戲程式設計」的課程目標為學習遊戲程式技術;「計算機圖學」則是理解與實作即時描繪的相關技術。為了能激勵學生活用所學到的專業知識,以及激發其創意,則將數位遊戲設計融入後兩門理論型課程的教學活動與作業規範。從分析小組實作型課程創作的遊戲內容與遊戲企劃豐富度中,發現學生確實能從「專題式學習」過程中獲得資料蒐集與創造、企劃與表達、資訊科技應用及團體合作等核心能力。學生完成兩門理論型課程後能展現讓人印象深刻的作品,特別是能運用物件導向程式設計來實現複雜的遊戲機制,以及融合有趣的遊戲玩法來實現作業的要求。因此,本研究將遊戲設計融入理論型課程,能激發學生的創意,並能實際應用所學的專業知識。 In this research, project-based learning and digital game design were applied to three digital-game-design courses: An Introduction to Digital Game Design, 3D Game Programming, and Computer Graphics. An Introduction to Digital Game Design is a practical course that requires groups of students to create a digital game. The assignments and teaching activities of this course were designed according to project-based learning. By contrast, 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics are theoretical courses. To encourage students to use their professional knowledge and inspire their creativity, digital game design was integrated into the teaching and assignments of these two theoretical courses. In this study, students’ cultivation of core competencies and acquisition of professional knowledge were assessed and compared with the course goals. The content of the playable games and the richness of the game proposals made by the student groups in the practical course revealed that the students had developed the core competencies of data collection; game planning, creation, and execution; information technology application; and teamwork through project-based learning. The students on the theoretical courses used objectoriented programming to implement complex game mechanics and met the assignment requirements by developing noteworthy gameplays. The integration of game design into theoretical courses was found to inspire the students and promote their practical application of knowledge.
起訖頁 13-69
關鍵詞 計算機圖學專題式學習程式設計數位遊戲設計computer graphicsproject-based learningcomputer programmingdigital game design
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 201803 (1:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-下一篇 專題式專業服務學習之實踐與成效




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