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English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education: A Case Study
作者 周宛青
有關高等教育國際化的效標,教育部及各校均將重點置於外籍生人數及全英語教學(English-Medium Instruction, EMI)授課的數量。EMI課程的確是招收外籍生來臺的關鍵,但高等教育國際化不應侷限於EMI的課程量,全英語課堂教學的有效性更應為關注焦點。本研究以獲得美國「中部高等教育評鑑認可委員會」(Middle States Commission on Higher Education)認證、外籍生人數居冠的M大學國際學院獲獎的核心課程為個案,採用個案研究探討EMI課堂的有效教學方法。本研究以大三、大四修過個案課程的15位學生為質性訪談對象,本籍生與外籍生各半。不同於以往研究者認為EMI課程適宜、甚至必要搭配中文以增進教學成效的建議,本研究結果顯示,適當運用多元教學方式真正實施全英語授課,確實可跨越語言及文化的藩籬,達到良好的教學成效;「案例教學」及「非語言溝通技巧」受訪者公認為最有效的EMI課程教學方法,其次為「清楚溝通」與「引導思考」的教學過程。受訪者之回應顯示無國籍差異。 The Ministry of Education and higher education institutions in Taiwan use international student enrollment and number of English-Medium Instruction (EMI) courses as key performance indicators in the policy of higher education internationalization. However, the effectiveness of EMI classes deserves to receive more of the attention as a policy performance indicator. This case study analyzes the teaching method in an award-winning EMI core course at M University in Taiwan. M University is accredited by the US Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Fifteen junior and senior students who have taken this course participated in the qualitative interview, with half of them from abroad. Contrasting with studies that have suggested that EMI teachers should use Mandarin as a supplementary instructional language to enhance teaching and learning, this research showed that multiple teaching methods may help students overcome language and cultural barriers. “Case method” and “nonverbal communication” were revealed to be the most effective instruction approaches. “Clear instructions” and “guided thinking” were also emphasized by some participants. The answers did not appear to correlate with participant nationality.
起訖頁 155-191
關鍵詞 全英語教學有效教學方法個案研究高等教育國際化English medium instructioneffective teaching methodscase studyinternationalization of higher education
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 201803 (1:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 護理系學生的生物統計翻轉教學成效:學習深度的改變




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