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Taboo viewpoint:historical writing and consciousness of commentators in 《Nyu Sian Wai Shih》
作者 盧世達
《女仙外史》為呂熊於清康熙四十三年(1704)完成的百回小說,除作者敘跋外,書前還錄有「江西南安郡守陳奕禧香泉序言」、「江西廉使劉廷璣在園品題二十則」、「江西學使楊顒念亭評論七則」、「廣州府太守葉旉田跋語」等,而在各回之末,皆有針對內容的數則批語。這些評點者的身份,除了作者本身、或與呂熊素有往來的官方文人,還有更多來歷不明的讀者參與評點。筆者以為,《女仙外史》的書寫與評點活動,在通俗小說進入清初以後,實產生體質上的轉變,即所謂書齋型評點。而召喚文人群體閱讀與評點的媒介,以《女仙外史》為例,正是對明史的幻構與詮釋。呂熊將官方史料所載「山東唐賽兒起義」,與「建文遜國」捏合成篇,藉由鬼神與天數解釋,看似荒誕的重組,卻也產生作者與評者的「小眾閱讀」效應,以達到「褒忠殛叛」的情理之寄託與遣懷。 《Nyu Sian Wai Shih》(女仙外史)is a novel with hundred chapters completed by Lu Xiong(呂熊) in KangXi 43 years(1704) of Qing Dynasty. Except of preface and postscript by himelf, the head of this novel is also recorded ‘preface of Chen YiXi in Jiangxi Nan'an’, ’20 pieces of Zai Yuan comments by Liu TingJi in Jiangxi’, ‘7 pieces of comments by Yang Yong in Jiangxi’, and’ postscript of She Futian in capital of Guang Zhou’. Otherwise, in the end of every chapter, there are many comments in connection with contents. Background of these commentators are author, his fellowship in official, and more unaccounted-for readers intervened. From writing and comment of 《Nyu Sian Wai Shih》, we find popular fictions in early Qing Dynasty got some transition in literary form, called comments of literati. Medium in 《Nyu Sian Wai Shih》 which Summoned literati to read and comment is precisely the reorganization, imaginary construction, and annotation of Ming Dynasty history. Lu Xiong fictionalized with official historical data which recorded ‘Tang Sai Er revolted in Shan Dong’ and ‘Jian Wen abdicated’. He used explanation of supernatural beings and Tian Shu(天數) to produce effect called ’Minor Readership’ between author and commentators. It looked like incredible reorganization, but actually achieved judgment of loyalty and revolt or emotions and reason reposing to express feelings.
起訖頁 171-194
關鍵詞 呂熊女以外史書齋型評點小眾閱讀明史Lu XiongNyu Sian Wai Shihcomments of literatiminor readershipMing Dynasty history
刊名 世新中文研究集刊  
期數 201006 (6期)
出版單位 世新大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 從「保存」到「創造」——論日治時期臺語文字書面化
該期刊-下一篇 從段玉裁對「讀」字的訓解,談孔安國以今文字讀《古文尚書》的相關問題




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