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The Female Relationships in Li-Yu's Chinese Drama 〝Lian Xiang Ban〞
作者 黃淑祺
歷來對於李漁戲曲《憐香伴》的研究大抵採取兩種進路:其一是以李漁妻妾和睦的婚姻背景作「知人論事」的討論,將劇中曹語花、崔箋雲兩位女旦角因「互憐」而同嫁一夫的情節,視為生角范介夫娶得雙美,三人成儔的佳話。其二如王璦玲從女同性戀的角度觀察語花、箋雲二旦的情誼。但中國史上女同性戀往往在「不被定義」的情況下隱聲匿跡。因此本文試圖從中國文史中「同性情誼」的建構,論述《憐香伴》以何特殊方式展現女性間的情感活動。劇中二女對同性情誼的追求,以扮裝及夢境的方式,超越性別與生死的界線,展現了晚明清初以來「至情觀」發展脈絡下的「情痴」線索,實是一種「越界」的展演。然而《憐香伴》的女性同性情誼的展現卻也是「非越界」的,劇中透過姻緣命定的定命觀、帝王賜封的政治風教觀,以及范介夫作為男性,其所行使的合法婚姻制度,正消弭二女過度越界的可能,使「非」常態的女子相戀活動,納入常態性的男女婚戀關係中。在「越界」與「不可越界」的範疇裡正界定了李漁對於女性同性情誼發展的取向,以及當時社會的性別觀點。 Always, the research about Li-Yu 's Chinese Drama〝Lian Xiang Ban〞 often to slect two kind of admission passages. First, the background of the Li-Yu 's harmonious marriage is be discussed with “knows the people discusses the matter", and deem to Cao Yu-Hua, Cui Jian-Yun two female actor 's “pity mutually”, but with marries a husband, regards as Fan Jie-Fu marries double wives, three person to live together is a charming story. Second, like Wang Ai-ling observe the Lesbian point between Yu-Hua and Jian-Yun. But the Lesbian history in Chinese literature always be hidden and often in “be not defined", her sound goes into seclusion. So, the thesis attempts in the “the homogeneous friendship" in Chinese history, discuss the emotion activity between females in〝Lian Xiang Ban〞. This drama through two females make-up and dreamland show the homogeneous friendship, to get beyond gender and the life and death demarcation line, the ultimate emotion at the Qing dynasty. The play cross the border, by this drama, we can get the definition how Li-Yu see the female relationships, and the gender point at the Qing society.
起訖頁 167-193
關鍵詞 女性情誼李漁越界憐香伴Li-YuLian Xiang BanFemale RelationshipsBorder Crossing
刊名 世新中文研究集刊  
期數 200906 (5期)
出版單位 世新大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 從《文心雕龍管窺》看王更生先生的治學方法
該期刊-下一篇 錢穆對梁啟超民族史學與文化史學的繼承與發展——兼論錢穆對梁啟超學術進化史觀的批評




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