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Discussion on Wang Geng-sheng's Scholarly Research Method from “Wen Xin Diao Long Guan Kui”
作者 楊婉慈
王更生先生致力於《文心雕龍》的研究,迄今已達四十年,是當前臺灣「龍學」界著述最為豐富的專門學者,能夠締造如此豐碩的學術成果,相信與其人之治學必有密不可分的關係。本文寫作的目的,即在探討先生從事《文心雕龍》研究時的治學方法,為「龍學」研究者提供方法上的參考,略盡一己之力。在先生為數眾多的專門著作中,筆者將討論的範圍,設定在其近著《文心雕龍管窺》一書上。此書是先生截至目前為止最新,同時也是最為成熟的作品,本文以書中所收的篇章,作為討論先生治學方法的實例,期能藉著這樣的嘗試,將先生的治學之道清楚地呈現在世人面前。 Wang Geng-sheng has been devoted to the research of “Wen Xin Diao Long” for 40 years, and is a specialist with most publications in this field. Such rich academic achievements should be closely related to his scholarly research method. This paper aims to discuss Wang's research method when studying “Wen Xin Diao Long”, in order to provide references to research of “Long”. Among many publications by Wang, this paper focuses the discussion on his “Wen Xin Diao Long Guan Kui”. This publication is the latest and most sophisticated publication by Wang. The chapters collected in the publication are presented as the examples to Wang's research method, in order to provide a full understanding of Wang's research method.
起訖頁 115-165
關鍵詞 王更生文心雕龍管窺文心雕龍治學方法龍學Wang Geng-shengWen Xin Diao Long Guan KuiWen Xin Diao Longresearch methodstudy of “Long”
刊名 世新中文研究集刊  
期數 200906 (5期)
出版單位 世新大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 「返體全用」與「因用明體」——熊十力《體用論》及其《新唯識論》思想異同之解讀
該期刊-下一篇 李漁戲曲《憐香伴》中的女性情誼




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