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The inheritance and development of national historiography and cultural historiography from Liang Qi-Chao to Qian-Mu – The criticism of Liang Qi-chao's academic evolution history by Qi-Chao
作者 潘彥竹
梁啟超(任公)晚年史學思想歷經一大轉折,使他從激進的「轉化」走向中和的「調適」道路,在歷史理解層面,亦放棄早期的涵蓋率式的因果進化,轉而強調文化意識與理性原則的價值思考。此一改變,雖與當時主流的科學史學殊途,但卻為錢穆先生所激賞,並且自覺地追循、繼承,並予發展。本文嘗試從錢穆先生與梁任公史學思想中與傳統文化的關聯性,來說明雙方內在理路的聯繫;復以進化史觀為例,觀察錢穆先生與梁任公如何針對其選擇的歷史議題,運用各殊的觀點與方法進行推論與詮釋。進而藉由雙方學術思想的傳承及異趨,觀察清末民初學術思想潮流的轉折與新變。 Liang Qi-Chao (Ren-gong) in his old age has experienced a major reversal of historical thinking and make him from radical “transformation” turn into the “accommodative thinking”; for the level of historical understanding, he gave up the early coverage of the causal evolution, in turn stressed the principles of cultural awareness and the value of rational thinking. Although this change at that time run counter to the mainstream of scientific history, but Mr. Qian-Mu not only admire but also spontaneously to follow, inheritance and development continuously. This paper attempts to identify the relevance of traditional culture through historical thought which comes from Mr. Liang Ren-gong and Mr. Qian-Mu, to illustrate the inner logic links from both sides. Then, take Evolutionary history as an example, to observe how Mr. Qian-Mu and Mr. Liang Ren-gong took the different viewpoints and methods to inference and interpretation for the historical issues which they have choose. Further more, by thinking of both academic heritage and diversity, to observe the trend of academic thought and the new variant during the late Qing Dynasty and early Republican Era.
起訖頁 195-223
關鍵詞 錢穆梁啟超民族史學文化史學進化史觀Qian-Munational historiographycultural historiographyLiang Qi-Chaoacademic evolution history
刊名 世新中文研究集刊  
期數 200906 (5期)
出版單位 世新大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 李漁戲曲《憐香伴》中的女性情誼
該期刊-下一篇 姜忠奎《荀子性善證》辨




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