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Learning Problem Solving Ability from a Progressive Laboratory Manual
作者 黃明輝
解決各式問題是工程師的職責,也是大學工程教育的核心能力。實驗課課程具有讓學生動手,實際參與發現與解決問題的過程,因此是訓練解決問題能力的重要課程。然而傳統的教導式教材提供完整程序,猶如食譜一樣地,無法讓學生觸及發掘問題與設計實驗。由於多數臺灣高中畢業生缺乏實際動手做實驗的經驗與先備知識,直接套用探究式實驗時會常造成過多的試誤,導致耗時過多與學生易受挫折。本文採用一種漸進的方式從教導式講義轉換到探究式實驗,學生可在課程前段的實驗中累積先備知識與經驗,然後在學期最後階段再進行完全開放的探究式實驗。此漸進式教學法的理念與「過程導向的探索式學習」不謀而合。根據實際教學經驗,學生能累積實驗所需的技能與知識,經歷問題解決的各項過程,並達成「工程教育評鑑」所規範的學習成果。 Problem solving is the responsibility of every engineer and therefore is a core capability in engineering education. Laboratory courses provide students with hands-on experience in identifying and solving problems; therefore, they are essential for developing problem solving ability. Conventional, didactic laboratory manuals provide detailed procedures and do not allow students to participate in problem identification and experimental design. Most high-school graduates in Taiwan have little practical experience in and background knowledge on experiment procedures. Directly adapting inquiry-based experiments often leads to several instances of trial and error that take a long time and frustrate students. This research adopts a progressive approach to transition from a didactic experiment to an inquiry-based experiment. Students can gain the prerequisite knowledge and skills from experiments conducted during the initial part of the semester to subsequently conduct an inquiry-based experiment at the end of the semester. This progressive approach is similar to the “process-oriented guided inquiry learning” concept. On the basis of teaching experiences, students accumulate experimental skills and knowledge, experience all problem-solving processes, and fulfil the learning objectives defined by the Institute of Engineering Education, Taiwan.
起訖頁 69-93
關鍵詞 工程教育認證問題解決能力探究式學習統整式課程實驗教材engineering education assessmentproblem solvinginquiry-based learningcapstone courseexperimental manual
刊名 大學教學實務與研究學刊  
期數 201712 (1:2期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 創新分組機制之教學實務研究
該期刊-下一篇 大學班級經營課程運用桌上遊戲的設計與實施




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