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Instructional Practices of an Innovative Grouping Mechanism in the College Classroom
作者 杜念慈
大學課程裡常聽到的是學生抱怨分組的問題。其中,最經典的埋怨就是「有人沒做事,為什麼跟我一樣的分數?」但仔細聆聽問題的根源,就是分組這件事,基本上沒有任何機制,甚至有時是一種隨機的結果。倘若學生分組是課程必備的環節,那麼分組機制如何訂立成為課堂設計的一個重要課題。本研究針對同一系不同組的同一堂必修課於同一學期進行分組機制之課程經營,從學生分組展開為期一學期的大學課程實踐翻轉課堂。研究發現:一、學生對於組長的認知有所改變;二、學生感受到成功的自我行銷是分組機制裡最初也是較為重要的環節;三、組長與組員之間的人際關係經營是整組獲得高分之關鍵。 Problems arising from group projects are a frequent subject of student complaints in university courses. The most typical complaint is a lack of contribution from group members when the same grade is shared by all members of the group. However, the cause is the lack of a grouping mechanism; sometimes, grouping is random. If student grouping is a necessary component of a course, then designing a grouping mechanism is vital. In this study, a semester’s course began with a group-leader referendum as a strategy for creating a flipped-classroom learning experience. The results of this study indicated that (1) the experience changed how students view and recognize their group leader, (2) students sensed that successful self-promotion is an essential link in a grouping mechanism, and (3) the interpersonal relationship between the group leader and group members is the key to achieving a high grade for the entire group.
起訖頁 39-68
關鍵詞 分組機制課程經營翻轉課堂grouping mechanismcourse managementflipped classroom
刊名 大學教學實務與研究學刊  
期數 201712 (1:2期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 以正向心理學內涵融入服務學習課程之實踐
該期刊-下一篇 漸進式探究實驗以提升問題解決能力




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