中文摘要 |
淡江大學日文系自98 學年度起,為配合教育部服務教育課程,將四年級必修科目「日語會話(四)」11 組當中,增設服務導覽組。課程的設計希望能夠符合教育部服務課程的要求。每位同學一年當中必須要從事36 小時的義工服務。因此,教室學習的部份,大多使用於因應義工活動所需之前置學習。前置學習之目的,在於認識淡水古蹟的歷史背景及文化遺產的意義,以及發掘淡水新的觀光資源、並接觸淡水行政單位及文化財團所致力開拓之觀光產業。本研究由擔任本課程授課之黑島千代、從事教學助教之劉德敏、以及課程設計之彭春陽共同執筆。本研究之目的為回顧一年來實施之成效,調查同學學習過程之意見,企圖改善本課程未來之規劃及實施。
Our department has set up 'Japanese guide class' in this subject of'Japanese conversation 4' according to the service curriculum of theMinistry of education at 98 academic years (2009). This is a part of thevolunteer education. Students have the obligation of the volunteer workof 36 hours in one year. Therefore, the class in the classroom hasexecuted some prior studies necessary for the volunteer work. Its priorstudy has purposes that understand the historical background of historicinterests that exist in Tamsui and the meaning of the cultural heritage.Moreover, its purpose is to discovery the new tourist resources in Tamsuiand to understand the sightseeing industry promotion of some relatedorganizations.This study is a joint writing of Kuroshia who takes charge of theclass, Liu who takes charge of the class TA and Perng who has designedthis curriculum. This study introduces this content of execution for oneyear, and searches for future tasks. |