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Study volunteers pokhara international voluntary service and experiential marketing
作者 蔣承婷黃嘉華詹紹廷
為培育青年全球視野,國際志願服務成為我國當前教育重要綱領及內涵,本研究探討國際志工參與者在體驗行銷構面的感受及對志願服務心態上的轉變情形與影響,以供其他志願服務團體行銷時參考,而本研究之體驗產品界定為志願服務的內涵,體驗媒介為志願服務活動。採用質性研究方法,以2012年暑假參加尼泊爾波卡拉國際志工團隊團員為主要研究對象。採用文獻分析法與半結構訪談,利用文獻分析法歸納整理本研究相關學理以建構本研究之理論基礎,並對參與成員實施半結構訪談,試圖以取得有效、真實、資料,從中瞭解背後隱含的各種現象與問題。體驗行銷的最終目的乃是創造一種整體體驗,體驗模組的操作多以同時組合兩種以上體驗方式進行,就本研究來說,行銷志願服務之內涵可由情感與思考體驗的操作,給予此兩種體驗適用的銜接點,同時進行情感與思考體驗上的操作,使參與者在服務的同時,也能誘發參與者對志願服務之內涵感受,讓參與者的體驗可以達到最佳效果。 To broaden the global view of the youth, international volunteering service becomes an important component of our education system. This report explores the experience of marketing and psychological aspects of international volunteers, which would be references for other volunteering groups. For the purpose of this analysis, we use quality method based on international volunteers participating in service during summer in Pokhra, Nepal in 2012. Literature analysis and semi-structured interviews, collate and present theoretical research related to the construction of the theoretical basis of this study the use of literature analysis, and implementation of semi-structured interviews with participating members. In attempt to gather effective and realistic information which would help us to have better understanding of underlying phenomenon. The experience of marketing is created by manipulating emotional aspect and thinking process, and to enhance the feeling of personal satisfaction.
起訖頁 13-23
關鍵詞 志願服務體驗行銷志工Voluntary ServiceExperiential MarketingVolunteer
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201603 (5期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 女子壘球選手從事女子棒球運動之現況研究
該期刊-下一篇 縣市合併對全中運舉重項目奪牌率之影響




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