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Influence of the merge of Kaohsiung city and county on weightlifting medals ranking in national high school athletic games
作者 蘇峰鑌吳志銘
目的:舉重比賽量級制度,每縣市單位於單一量級僅能報名三位選手,以及團體總錦標得分計算僅取各量級前三名,因此教練與選手報名參賽常審慎考慮再三。本研究欲透過縣市合併前後,探討其對舉重量級制度團體成績之影響,以評估未來各縣市代表隊之得牌率。方法:本研究以歷史研究法蒐集民國97年至100年一共四屆之全國中等學校運動會項目前三名資料,進行文本分析。將所得資料以Excel進行敘述性統計與卡方檢定以金牌數和總獎牌數作為排名依據。另外,將100年各縣市合併後之得牌率與前三年各縣市得牌率相互比較,以探討縣市合併前後對團體總成績之影響。結果:無論以金牌數或總獎牌數比較,97~99年高雄縣與高雄市分居團體冠亞軍(金牌數:10,7,9;9,5,6,總獎牌數:19,23,22;15,10,11),合併後雖大高雄仍為團體總冠軍,以合併前三年高雄縣市總和與100年大高雄金牌數比較,雖然減少但無顯著差異(19,12,15,13vs.13,卡方值=1.949,p>.05),而總獎牌數比較則無顯著差異(34,33,33,34,卡方值=0.03,p>.05),但若換算團體總錦標得分,每面金牌4分,則呈現顯著差異(133,84,105,91,卡方值=13.644,p<.05)。結論:依照全國中等學校運動會規則實施之賽事團體總錦標得分依據,由各單位所獲得之冠軍、亞軍、季軍之總和排名所得分數為團體名次。當比賽結束時,進行各單位總分計算。由於至100年起縣市合併,參賽人數大幅縮減,使各縣整體奪牌率受到影響。以過去4年各縣市奪牌率可推測,全國中等學校運動會得牌率較高縣市分別為:高雄市、台中市及新北市最高。主要原因:同縣市同量級優秀選手彼此競爭,以及因參賽率降低造成優秀選手外流。 Purpose: According to the order of magnitude for weightlifting, there are only three weight lifters that could participate in the competition at each order for every county and city. Due to the teamwork award is just for the top three of each of the order, coaches and lifters must consider carefully. In this thesis, in order to evaluating the ratio of winning medals for every team from every county and city in the feature, this research investigate that how counties merging influence on the achievement for each team at the order of magnitude. Method: This research is analyzed by collecting documents about the top three for weightlifting in total fourth National High School Games from 2008 to 2011 via Historical Research and investigated by Descriptive statistics and Chi-square test, based on the numbers of gold medals and total medals. Furthermore, the ratio of winning medals after counties merging in 2011 is compared with the ratio for every county and city in the previous three years. Results: Kaohsiung County and City separated group championship from 2008 to 2010 whatever how many gold medals and total medals they have (Gold medals:10, 7, 9;9, 5, 6, Total medals:19, 23, 22;15, 10, 11). Although Kaohsiung city is still the championship after counties merging, medals ranking of Kaohsiung city and county in three years before merging is slightly reducing, comparing with the number of gold medals for Kaohsiung city in 2011 (19, 12, 15, 13 v.s. 13, Chi-square value =1.949, p>.05), but the total number of medals is not obviously deferent in before and after counties merging (34, 33, 33, 34, Chi-square value = 0.03, p>.05). However, there are not clearly deferent in the score of teamwork award if 4 score for each gold medal(133, 84, 105, 91, Chi-square value =13.644, p<.05). Conclusions: According to teamwork award from National High School Games, the position in a ranking of teams is decided by the total score of the champion, the runner-up, and second runner-up and the score of the top three will be added up when the game is finished. Because of the counties merging starting in 2011, the number of entries is significantly reduced and makes a big influence on the ratio of winning medals for every county. Cities medals ranking are Kaohsiung city, Taichung city and New Taipei city. In conclude, main factor is that the entries at the same order of magnitude and in same county and city compete each other and the lower ratio of competitors.
起訖頁 25-32
關鍵詞 奪牌率評估舉重Medals RankingWeightlifting
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201603 (5期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
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