中文摘要 |
Most women’s baseball players have the background from women’s softball, it has both advantages and disadvantages. Interview method is used in this research, Due to lack of researches and ignore this issue for a long time, this research is based on twenty women’s baseball players’s experience to explore their deeply experience meaning and the situation of women’s baseball. The conclusions are as follows: (1) The players of women’s softball and women’s baseball should comes from different places to reduce to get sports injuries by over-exercise and reduce the percentage of participant who didn’t have the background of women’s softball. (2) Organizing women’s baseball competitions should focus on develop basic skill and performance level in international game, try to contribute the education system. (3) Establish Women's Baseball Association of R.O.C to manage the business of women’s baseball. (4) To advocacy the concept of gender equality, to make women’s baseball becomes more visibility, to gain more support and recognition of it. This research is as a reference to coaches, players, and related research. |