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A Study on Participation Barriers Factors and Coping Strategies of Cheerdance
作者 鄭婷文鄭麗媛
目的:本研究旨在探討啦啦舞運動參與之阻礙因素。方法:以問卷調查法及訪談法作為研究方法,以參加教育部2014年舉辦之全國大專院校暨中等學校啦啦隊錦標賽之啦啦舞蹈參賽選手與非參賽選手為問卷量表的研究對象,發出381份問卷,實得有效362份問卷,回收率95.1%,訪談對象為教練4名、選手8名。本研究資料處理與分析方式分量性資料:以描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗及單因子變異數分析;質性資料:以訪談方式進行。瞭解全國大專院校暨中等學校啦啦舞隊參賽與非參賽選手不同背景變項與運動阻礙因素間之差異性,顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:一、性別部分在團隊支持與內在因素有顯著差異;年資部分在團隊支持與外在環境有顯著差異;組別部分四個因素均有顯著差異;參賽成績部分在團隊支持與內在因素有顯著差異:不同訓練時間部分在個人勝任、外在環境與內在因素有顯著差異;社經地位四個因素均無顯著差異。二、推廣啦啦舞運動的因應策略,可從政策因素、學校因素、家長因素與選手因素四方面著手。結論:不同背景變項啦啦舞選手運動參與阻礙因素在性別、年資、組別、參賽成績及訓練時間上有部分因素達顯著差異,唯獨社經地位在四個因素上皆無顯著差異。 Purpose: The purpose of this study was to discuss the participation barriers factors and coping strategies of cheerdance. Methods: This study was performed utilizing questionnaire surveys and interviews. By purposive sampling of competition players and non-competition players of cheerdance, 381 subjects were administ ered questionnaires, yielding 362 effective questionnaires (95.1%). Interviews sampling included of 4 coaches and 8 players of cheerdance. The survey data was gathered for further analysis using SPSS. The quantitative variables was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, independent T-test, and one-way ANOVA; qualitative variables were analyzed through interviews. To understand the participation barriers and coping strategies of cheerdance, the experimental level was controlled at α<.05 . Results: (1) Significant differences in team supportiveness and internal factors were noted between players of different gender; significant differences in team supportiveness and external environment were noted given the player ’s seniority; significant differences in all four factors were noted of players in different competition class level; past competition results contributed to significant differences in team supportiveness and internal factors; significant differences in personal confidence, external environment and i nternal factors were also noted given the amount of time spent training; no significant differences in the four factors were noted given the player ’s social economic status. (2) The strategy to promote cheerdance may best be formulated by targeting the are as of related policies, educational institutions, parents, and players. Conclusion: For the background variables of gender, seniority, competition class level, past competition results, and amount of time spent on training, variances were noted in the cheerdance player ’s participation barriers factors. No significant variance in the four factors was noted in the lone variable of social economic status.
起訖頁 53-67
關鍵詞 啦啦舞阻礙因素因應策略CheerdanceParticipation BarriersCoping Strategies
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201503 (4期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 台灣大專網球選手在不同條件的工作團隊氣氛和社會團隊氣氛之分析
該期刊-下一篇 大學男生撞球運動經驗與自我評估對比賽勝負影響之研究




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