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The study on the influence of the outcome of college male student’s billiards sports experience and self-assessment
作者 林紀玲吳穌古國宏蔡永川吳明憲
本研究目的為探究一般大學男生撞球運動經驗與自我評估對比賽勝負之影響。以修習美和科技大學撞球課之115位男性學生為研究對象。採自編自我評估問卷為研究工具,並以SPSS14.0統計軟體,進行卡方檢定X²的驗證分析,顯著性水準訂為α=.05。結果發現:1.球齡對勝負影響差異未達顯著水準。2.認識對手程度、評估對手實力與評估擊敗對手機會對勝負影響差異均達顯著水準。3.評估該場比賽重要性、評估再次對戰獲勝信心程度、評估打進關鍵球信心程度、評估該場比賽表現對勝負影響差異均未達顯著水準。4.球齡與認識對手程度、評估對手實力、評估擊敗對手機會、評估該場比賽重要性、評估再次對戰獲勝信心程度、評估打進關鍵球信心程度、評估該場比賽表現對勝負影響差異均未達顯著水準。本研究的結果期望能給予喜好撞球運動的同好參考,並希望提升成績表現。 The purposes of this study were to explore the influence of the outcome of college male student’s billiards sports experience and self-assessment of the game. The subjects were 115 male students of Meiho University billiards lesson for the study. Research tool was self-made my assessment questionnaire, and SPSS14.0 statistical software, chi-square (X²) test validation of analytical, the significance level set at α = .05. The results showed that: 1.difference sports experience did not reach a significant level of influence the outcome. 2. level of awareness of the opponent, to assess the strength of the opponent, defeating opponents to assess the opportunity were significant level of influence the outcome. 3. Assess the importance of the match, to assess the degree of confidence to win the game again, to assess the degree of confidence of scoring crucial goals, to assess the degree of confidence in the performance evaluation of the difference were not significant level. 4. sports experience and level of awareness of the opponent, to assess the strength of the opponent, defeating opponents to assess the opportunity, to assess the importance of the match, to assess the degree of confidence to win the game again, to assess the degree of confidence of scoring crucial goals, to assess the degree of confidence in the performance evaluation of the difference were not significant level . The results of this study hope to give sports enthusiasts like billiards re ference and hope to improve the academic performance enthusiasts.
起訖頁 69-81
關鍵詞 球齡自我評估勝負Sports ExperienceSelf-AssessmentThe Outcome
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201503 (4期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 啦啦舞運動參與阻礙因素與因應策略之研究
該期刊-下一篇 休閒因應策略、休閒運動參與和生活品質之研究──以建國科大學生為例




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