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The Identity of Land and State–An Analysis of the Peak Memory at Wufong of Zongyin’ Prose Works
作者 王振勳
在臺灣當代藝文界中莊嚴一門居占五傑,其次子莊因喜愛文學,尤擅散文,鋪陳獨特的文人情懷。莊嚴的情鄉是家國之思,是幽州認同,而其孩子在霧峰北溝的16年成長光陰,恐是最重要且嚴肅的土地認同。莊因自認國寶給予親炙、崇欽,吸收瑰麗中華文物藝術的良機,當故宮文物轉移至臺灣中部的霧峰時,莊因以滿園的蟬鳴,作為他對故鄉情感的連結,同時勾起他淡淡的思鄉情愁,也啟迪了他的政治和文化意識。霧峰的土地,帶給他人間有情,視為個人成長的最重要意義。家居紅磚的洞天山堂,成為深切對家愛戀描寫的沃壤。究其思維與感情,莊因對霧峰北溝家與故國景緻均寄情深切。莊因散文所孕育的價值感,毫無疑議是從中原搬入海島臺灣這批珍寶所彰顯出來的人文精神內涵所呈現的文化和土地認同。 Among contemporary art field in Taiwan, Zongyun and his four sons stand out as jewels in this literary circle. His second son, Zongyin, loved literature, and was especially good at prose writing. Zongyun’ family expressed unique feelings and nostalgia of his love of country as well as his children’s thinking of Wufong as their hometown, where they spent their teenage years. The most important self-identity was based on sensitive feelings of land recognition. This bound feeling of state identity resulted from the precious experience linking diversified ancient collections of National Palace Museum, stored at a mountain cave near Peigo village, Wufong. Zongyin’s individual care for Wufong’s land is a kind of self-recognition as he absorbed the magnificent Chinese art by a rare opportunity to face national treasure moved from Mainland China to the middle part of Taiwan. When Zongyin heard incessant songs of garden cicadas, it seems that he linked his nostalgic remembrance of his hometown with Wufong. Inevitably his political and cultural awareness was aroused. The peak of his love of the land reflected not only the valuable collection of his personal growth memory but also his writing spirit in later period. The red brick cave house also brought a deep understanding of fertility to describe his thinking and feelings in writing prose. Zongyin lived at Peigo village and produced his deeply emotional feelings that can enrich human values, can brighten cultural connotation and total land identity by protecting and cherishing national treasures, and can own cheerful living experience at Wufong.
起訖頁 141-154
關鍵詞 霧峰北溝故宮離散文學莊因文化認同WufongZongyinCultural AwarenessLand IdentityLiterature
刊名 止善  
期數 201712 (23期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 紀錄片的議題、對話與連結――以「廢墟的力度」為例
該期刊-下一篇 公益活動購買動機之研究――以春聯義賣為例




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