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A Study on Purchase Motivations In Public Welfare Activities–Spring Couplets Charity sale as an Example
作者 邱桂堅
許多人長期以來皆有默默從事社會公益活動之習慣,藉以助弱勢族群,利用捐款以及購買公益活動商品的來達成參與公益活動的使命感。已有許多研究探討人們參與公益活動購買動機之眾多原因。當個人在支持一項公益活動時,時常有多重動機存在,若能了解公益活動參與者購買動機,將有助於公益活動策略的運用,並有利於主辦單位的規劃與辦理之績效。本研究依據文獻蒐集將公益活動購買者之動機歸納為7個,分別為休閒娛樂、自我利益、利他主義、慈善關懷、參考團體、商品實用性、商品價格等。本研究希望探討這七個參與動機中,何者是在公益活動中影響參與者購買的重要因素。本研究運用調查法蒐集資料,再以灰聚類分析法發掘關鍵動機為何。研究結果顯示,七個動機因素具有顯著差異。慈善博愛、利他主義以及商品價格位於高標及中標,且無任何購買者回應落於低標,這表示幾乎所有公益活動購買者均會是受到慈善博愛、利他主義以及商品價格等要素所決定。相反的,休閒娛樂有66.67%、自我利益有63.33%落於低標,這表示公益活動參與者購買動機甚少會受到休閒娛樂、自我利益等因素所左右。此外,參考團體有及商品功能落於中標之比例分別為41%及48%,皆遠高於其各自落於高標及低標之比例。這意謂著仍有相當比例的購買者會受到參考團體及商品的功能與實用性等因素之影響。根據以上結果,對於小型公益活動之義賣策略,本研究建議慈善組織的首要任務是著重在慈善博愛、利他主義以及義賣商品價格,其次才是透過參考團體的宣導及考量義賣商品的功能性為主軸,至於自我利益及休閒娛樂等動機在本研究中所呈現出來之比例不高,可以忽略。 There have been many studies to explore the many reasons why people are involved in the purchase of public welfare activities. When individuals support a public welfare activities, often have multiple motives exist, if you understand the participants of the public welfare activities to buy motives, will help the use of public welfare strategy, and is conducive to the organizers. This study is based on the literature will be public interest in the purchase of motivation summarized into seven, namely leisure & entertainment, self-interest, altruism, charity -care reference groups, commodity practicality and commodity prices. The purpose of this study is to explore the seven motivations of participation, which are amongthe most important elements of public welfare activities that can affect the purchase. This study uses the survey method to collect information, and then gray clustering analysis to explore the key motivations. The results show that there are significant differences in the seven motivational factors. Charity-care, altruism and commodity prices are at high marks and no buyer's response falls low, which means that almost all public welfare buyers will be charitable, altruism and consider commodity prices. On the contrary, 66.67% of recreational and 63.33% of self-interest falls on low standard, which means that the public welfare participant is rarely affected by leisure & entertainment and self-interest. In addition, the proportion of the reference group and the merchandise function falls at 41% and 48% respectively, which is much higher than the proportion of each of them falling at the high and low standard. This means that there is still a considerable proportion of the purchaser will be affected by the reference group and commodity practical factors. Based on the above results, firstly this study suggests that charitable organizations' primary task is to focus on charity, altruism, and commodity prices. Secondly, through the advocacy of the reference groups and taking one consideration with the function of the Charity sale goods. Finally, the motives of self-interest and leisure and entertainment are not high in this study and can be ignored.
起訖頁 155-172
關鍵詞 公益活動購買動機灰聚類分析public welfare activitiespurchase motivationgray clustering analysis
刊名 止善  
期數 201712 (23期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 離散情懷下的家國認同――莊因散文作品的霧峰記憶解析
該期刊-下一篇 十八世紀的性別、階級和政治――賽彌爾.強森對現代世界的影響




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