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Documentary Topics, Dialogue and Links–Take “The power of the Ruins” as an Example
作者 李佳懷陳翼漢
故宮文物自公元1933年起,因長期的戰亂而輾轉來到臺灣,公元1950年在臺中的霧峰北溝暫時安置15年,並建造文物展示與存放的院區設施,直到公元1965年文物再次遷離後,北溝院區交由臺灣省電影製片廠及省立臺灣交響樂團使用,並在公元1999年隨九二一集集大地震受創荒廢。然而這段歷史並沒有被遺忘,當昔日的廢墟被挖掘出土之後,地方人士先從土地利益的拉扯,轉變成以文化保存來啟動北溝發展的在思考。當影片的議題先定調為「廢墟的力度」後,紀錄同時也成為對話與連結的平臺,靜默的廢墟在地方參語及擾動下,才有機會凝聚出更多的可能性及生命力,並引導出重新啟動北溝未來的方向。 Since 1933 AD, National Palace Museum for the war and migration in China Mainland. 1950 AD came to the Beigou village of Wufeng country in Taichung city, Taiwan Island. Then National Palace Museum builded construction exhibition and storage for heritage fifteen years, until move to Taipei city in 1965 AD. Taiwan film studio and Taiwan Province Symphony Orchestra came to Beigou village later, but 921 great earthquake destroy all building became ruins. People never forget the history about National Palace Museum, Taiwan film studio and Taiwan Province Symphony Orchestra in Beigou village. They started think about how to promote the conservation and development when the ruins unearthed ? “The power of the ruins” not only a documentary. It had also become a platform for dialogue among the people. We could see how everyone can connect the past with the future. This power is redefine the direction of the new vision of Beigou.
起訖頁 129-139
關鍵詞 北溝廢墟的力度故宮神品至寶BeigouThe power of the RuinsNational Palace Museum
刊名 止善  
期數 201712 (23期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 北溝故宮舊址保存運動始末――從保存團體、政府部門與地主群體的互動與對話出發
該期刊-下一篇 離散情懷下的家國認同――莊因散文作品的霧峰記憶解析




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