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The Historical Circumstances of the Beigou Palace Museum–The Cooperation between the Preservation Team, the Political Departments and the Local Owners
作者 吳東明
回顧歷史,從故宮文物西遷、南遷歷程的角度而言,北溝故宮是文物在戰火裡流離的最終一站;從故宮在臺北復院的角度而言,北溝故宮是現今臺北故宮的前身。北溝,不僅是連結歷史的臍帶,也是延續國民政府遷臺後「道統」的重要命脈。故宮文物在北溝期間為1950年至1965年,此後一度廢棄閒置,後有臺灣省電影製片廠、省立臺灣交響樂團進駐,以及設置臺影文化城,直到九二一地震受災後荒廢至今。荒蕪的北溝已經日漸為臺灣人們所遺忘,但多年以來,中國CCTV、香港鳳凰衛視、日本NHK等媒體,絡繹不絕尋訪神秘的北溝舊址,但面對臺灣的冷漠,以及目睹眼前景象,往往徒增浩歎,令人不勝唏噓。終於,在2014年故宮文物首度赴日本展出前夕,從臺灣草根民主力量出發,再次掀起文化資產保存的歷史波瀾。雖然北溝故宮文物典藏山洞業已登錄為「歷史建築」,但北溝故宮何去何從?不論從政治意涵及歷史定位,或者從城市區域發展方向,到土地法制如何解套等,還有漫漫長路等待努力。 From the perspective of flight from China the Beigou Palace museum is the last stop on this difficult passage from Beijing to Taiwan, from the perspective of the renewal of the Palace museum in Taipei, the Beigou Palace museum is the predecessor. The Beigou Palace museum is not only a connection to history, it symbolizes the claim of the Chinese National government to represent Chinese orthodoxy. The Beigou Palace museum existed from 1950 until 1965. Afterwards the site was used by Taiwanese film producers, the Taiwanese Symphony Orchestra and then turned into the Taiwanese Cinematography Park. Since the earthquake in 1999 the site lies in ruins. Forgotten by the Taiwanese, international interest has been strong, with television crews from mainland China, Hong Kong and Japan visiting. Since 2014 a local grassroots movement has taken interest again in the historical circumstances of the Beigou Palace museum to reinstate its historical and political meaning.
起訖頁 105-128
關鍵詞 北溝故宮國寶文物文物山洞歷史建築BeigouPalace MuseumNational TreasuresHistorical Site
刊名 止善  
期數 201712 (23期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 「北溝故宮」的記憶及其意義
該期刊-下一篇 紀錄片的議題、對話與連結――以「廢墟的力度」為例




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