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Food Safety Regulation through Public-Private Partnership
作者 孫銘宗
台灣素有美食王國之美譽,但近年來卻因食安事件不斷爆發,使得國人對食品安全失去信心。回顧台灣所發生的諸多食安事件中,不少比例與食品添加物之濫用有關,「加強查緝」與「提高處罰」呼聲不絕於耳。然而,食品安全並非僅憑政府稽查或檢驗即可獲得保障,亦有賴食品業者落實自我管理、做好第一線把關,此即食品安全衛生管理法中所稱「三級管理;唯有透過官民合作共同治理,才能有效提升台灣的食品安全,保障民眾健康。 Taiwan has a reputation as a culinary kingdom, but in recent years, due to continuous outbreak of food safety incidents, people have lost confidence in food safety. Looking back at the many food safety incidents that occurred in Taiwan, many of them were related to the abuse of food additives. Calls for 'enhancement of investigations' and 'stronger punishment' never stopped. However, food safety cannot be guaranteed only through government investigations or inspections, it also depends on the food industry to implement self-management and first-line control. This is the 'three-level management' referred in the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation. Only through co-governance by public and private actors can we effectively improve food safety in Taiwan and protect people's health.
起訖頁 501-507
關鍵詞 食品安全食品添加物公私協力自主規制行政管制food safetyfood additivesPPPself-regulationadministrative regulation
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 201809 (22:5期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 食安五環政策與跨部會合作
該期刊-下一篇 食品安全與企業社會責任




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