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Urban Politics and Spatial Governance Strategies--A Case Study for the Development of Tainan Science-based Industrial Park Special District
作者 鍾麗娜
為解決竹科發展所面臨的用地不足與園區內外差距問題,提供高科技產業未來足夠的發展腹地,南科特定區計畫的提出,即在於建構成高品質的科學城。而在政治力與經濟力的交錯關係下,南科特定區土地規劃與開發政策的形成、轉變與執行,究竟是如何透過國家機器與資本利益團體間的互動形塑而成?一直是關注的焦點。因此,本文愛藉由都市政治的理論分析架構,探討(一)南科特定區土地規劃與開發政策形成之脈絡;(二)國家機器與資本利益團體等行動者對空間發展的影響,及其各方行動者之間的互動關係與權力結構。研究發現,(一)中央政府仍扮演著關鍵性的角色且國家機器輕忽所應擔綱維護的公共利益;(二)都市計畫已溣為國家機器與資本利益團體掌控空間發展獲取利益的工具;(三)國家機器與資本利益團體鏈結為政經利益共生的複合體。 In order to solve the problems of the shortage of land and the gap between inside and outside Hsinchu Science Park, it is essential to provide sufficient hinterlands for high-tech industry in the future. The development project of Tainan Science-based Industrial Park is to construct a science town with high quality environment. However, we should focus on the formation of the land planning and developmental policies, the transition as well as the implementation of Tainan Science-based Industrial Park. Under certain interactions between political-force and economic force, the urban planning has been shaped by the state machinery and interest groups. Therefore, this essay takes theory of Urban Politics as its analysis structure to discuss two issues as follows: (1) the land planning and the formation of developmental policies in Tainan Science-based Industrial Park; (2) and how the actors in the state machinery and interest groups influence on spatial development, and the interactions and power structure among the actors.To sum up, this essay includes three major discoveries. Firstly, the central government still plays a key role while the state machinery neglects the public interest that it should defend. Secondly, the urban planning has become the tool of grabbing interests by the state machinery and interest groups when it comes to spatial governance. Thirdly, the state machinery and interest groups have become the symbiotic complex politically and economically.
In order to solve the problems of the shortage of land and the gap between inside and outside Hsinchu Science Park, it is essential to provide sufficient hinterlands for high-tech industry in the future. The development project of Tainan Science-based Industrial Park is to construct a science town with high quality environment. However, we should focus on the formation of the land planning and developmental policies, the transition as well as the implementation of Tainan Science-based Industrial Park. Under certain interactions between political-force and economic force, the urban planning has been shaped by the state machinery and interest groups. Therefore, this essay takes theory of Urban Politics as its analysis structure to discuss two issues as follows: (1) the land planning and the formation of developmental policies in Tainan Science-based Industrial Park; (2) and how the actors in the state machinery and interest groups influence on spatial development, and the interactions and power structure among the actors.To sum up, this essay includes three major discoveries. Firstly, the central government still plays a key role while the state machinery neglects the public interest that it should defend. Secondly, the urban planning has become the tool of grabbing interests by the state machinery and interest groups when it comes to spatial governance. Thirdly, the state machinery and interest groups have become the symbiotic complex politically and economically.
起訖頁 149-186
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 201107 (22期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-上一篇 由權力的觀點審視抵價地式區段徵收制度之研究
該期刊-下一篇 權利變換價值分配與風險態度之探討




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