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Review the Zone Expropriation System by Land of Compensation: A Study from the Viewpoint of Power |
作者 |
鍾麗娜 |
中文摘要 |
It seems that the existing Land for Compensation in Zone Expropriation System has become a mandatory land development mean by the force of the administration. In fact, the formation of government policies is a process of operation and interaction of power. Does the government perform its power while the system functions? How does it use the power? And how does the exercise of governmental power affect landowners’ rights and interests? These questions are what this essay concerns.The essay decomposes the institutionalization and the transition of Zone Expropriation System based on three aspects of power. Besides, this essay takes L & M development project as a case study, which is located in an urban construction area in Tainan Science-based Industrial Park Special District(TSIP-SD). It also illustrates the complications between power and interest. To sum up, the government interferes in the enforcement of Zone Expropriation System by controlling ideology and the barrier of “mobilization of bias”. Landowners are completely excluded from the decision-making process so that the government can control the distribution of land development profits and create niche for themselves as well as land developers. Therefore, the existing land for compensation in Zone Expropriation System has been the area for rent-seeking to interest groups, including the administration, land developers and other private organizations. |
英文摘要 |
It seems that the existing Land for Compensation in Zone Expropriation System has become a mandatory land development mean by the force of the administration. In fact, the formation of government policies is a process of operation and interaction of power. Does the government perform its power while the system functions? How does it use the power? And how does the exercise of governmental power affect landowners’ rights and interests? These questions are what this essay concerns.The essay decomposes the institutionalization and the transition of Zone Expropriation System based on three aspects of power. Besides, this essay takes L & M development project as a case study, which is located in an urban construction area in Tainan Science-based Industrial Park Special District(TSIP-SD). It also illustrates the complications between power and interest. To sum up, the government interferes in the enforcement of Zone Expropriation System by controlling ideology and the barrier of “mobilization of bias”. Landowners are completely excluded from the decision-making process so that the government can control the distribution of land development profits and create niche for themselves as well as land developers. Therefore, the existing land for compensation in Zone Expropriation System has been the area for rent-seeking to interest groups, including the administration, land developers and other private organizations. |
起訖頁 |
111-148 |
刊名 |
土地經濟年刊 |
期數 |
201107 (22期) |
出版單位 |
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從憲法生存權觀點論──平均地權條例第11條耕地徵收補償 |
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都市政治與空間治理策略──以南科特定區開發案為例 |