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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
A Review of Value Allocation on Rights Transformation of Urban Renewal |
作者 |
卓輝華 |
中文摘要 |
The three major participants of the implementation of urban renewal business process are: government, land owners, and the implementer. This paper employs the aspect of taking urban renewal business institutions appointed by land rights owners as the implementer, and then authorizing the implementer to implement urban renewal business to discuss the issues and strategic decisions of rights value allocation. Based on opportunism, the implementer will take the most self-interest into first consideration, and to squeeze the interest of land owners. Therefore, in the operation of the current rights transformation, the most obvious issue occurred is that the implementer applies the real estate appraisal or rights allocation before or after the related urban renewal to maximize his/her self-interest. Allocation of rights value interests is related to the risk attitude of participants of urban renewal. Under the various mechanism design and risk consideration, which rights value appraisal should be taken will affect the interests of both land owners and the implementer after urban renewal. Through considerations of various risk attitude between land owner and the implementer, this article reviews the impacts to both sides with different rights value appraisal method, and further analyzes how participants of urban renewal should reasonably allocate rights value after urban renewal. |
英文摘要 |
The three major participants of the implementation of urban renewal business process are: government, land owners, and the implementer. This paper employs the aspect of taking urban renewal business institutions appointed by land rights owners as the implementer, and then authorizing the implementer to implement urban renewal business to discuss the issues and strategic decisions of rights value allocation. Based on opportunism, the implementer will take the most self-interest into first consideration, and to squeeze the interest of land owners. Therefore, in the operation of the current rights transformation, the most obvious issue occurred is that the implementer applies the real estate appraisal or rights allocation before or after the related urban renewal to maximize his/her self-interest. Allocation of rights value interests is related to the risk attitude of participants of urban renewal. Under the various mechanism design and risk consideration, which rights value appraisal should be taken will affect the interests of both land owners and the implementer after urban renewal. Through considerations of various risk attitude between land owner and the implementer, this article reviews the impacts to both sides with different rights value appraisal method, and further analyzes how participants of urban renewal should reasonably allocate rights value after urban renewal. |
起訖頁 |
187-208 |
刊名 |
土地經濟年刊 |
期數 |
201107 (22期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
都市政治與空間治理策略──以南科特定區開發案為例 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
日治時期臺灣租佃制度之探討──由「贌耕權」到「三七五減租條例」 |