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Institutional Analysis of Sustainable Tourism in Kenting Natonal Park
作者 張昱諄
二十世紀末,兼具環境資源保護、經濟成長及社會公平性等環境、經濟及社會層面的永續發展(sustainable development)思潮興起,促使墾丁國家公園的觀光發展納入永續觀念,推行兼顧環境保育與經濟發展之制度,例如社頂部落生態旅遊計畫。然而,墾丁國家公園的觀光發展仍面臨許多問題,制度執行組織間缺乏合作以致於正式制度之目標不一致,觀光發展制度弱化私有財產權,不符合社會公平正義,因此本文以制度理論檢視這些問題,建議改善目前之制度問題,輔以組織間的協調合作與課責機制,制度設計納入民眾參與機制,增加由下而上之治理模式,並整合各部門計畫,以朝向全面性永續之觀光發展方向。 In the late 20 century, “sustainable development” has been in widespread accepted, involving environmental, economic and social perspectives. The concept of sustainable development leads to develop sustainable tourism in Kenting National Park. The government further carried out policies of environmental protection and economic development, such as Shirding eco-tourism program. However, there are still some problems of tourism in Kenting National Park. First, organizations without cooperation attribute to different aims of formal institutions. Second, tourism development institutions result in the attenuation of private property rights which doesn’t coincide with social justice. Based on the view of institutional theory, this paper analyzes these problems and suggests improving these institutions by establishing machines of coordination among organizations and accountability. By doing so, private-public partnership, bottom-up governance and integrated sector-plans will be better, and further, Kenting National Park will lead to inclusive sustainable tourism development.
In the late 20 century, “sustainable development” has been in widespread accepted, involving environmental, economic and social perspectives. The concept of sustainable development leads to develop sustainable tourism in Kenting National Park. The government further carried out policies of environmental protection and economic development, such as Shirding eco-tourism program. However, there are still some problems of tourism in Kenting National Park. First, organizations without cooperation attribute to different aims of formal institutions. Second, tourism development institutions result in the attenuation of private property rights which doesn’t coincide with social justice. Based on the view of institutional theory, this paper analyzes these problems and suggests improving these institutions by establishing machines of coordination among organizations and accountability. By doing so, private-public partnership, bottom-up governance and integrated sector-plans will be better, and further, Kenting National Park will lead to inclusive sustainable tourism development.
起訖頁 125-153
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 201007 (21期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-上一篇 都會區空間發展樣貌之探討--發展密度與地景生態指數的整合評估途徑
該期刊-下一篇 氣候變遷與桃園縣國土保育地區劃設之模擬




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