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A Study on Form of Spatial Development in Metropolitan Area An Integrated Approach to Evaluating Development Density and Landscape Ecological Indices
作者 徐國城
本研究結合地理資訊系統的空間分析模組及SPOT衛星影像之判讀,建立發展密度面向與地表覆蓋面向之蔓延衡量指標,並據以編製蔓延指數,藉以探討1991年至2006年間台北都會區之空間發展樣貌。研究發現其整體發展樣貌可由兩項特徵敘明,其一,發展漸趨飽和之緊密中心地域,15年間的發展型態並無顯著變化。其次,蔓延與緊密之發展型態係呈現反向的路徑,包括由台北市東側、南側之內湖區、南港區與文山區為起點,往東擴張至汐止市、基隆市與瑞芳鎮,往南擴張至新店市的蔓延發展趨勢地域;緊密發展趨勢地域則由都會區西側之鶯歌鎮、樹林鎮、泰山鄉及林口鎮等地區與桃園縣相接連,另自台北市北側之士林區與北投區擴張至北邊的八里鄉、淡水鎮、三芝鄉、萬里鄉與金山鄉等地區。 This paper combines the GIS spatial analyst and SPOT satellite images to establish the evaluation indicators of sprawl, including the dimensions of development density and land cover. According to established sprawl index, an inquiry was performed between 1991 and 2006 on the characteristics of Taipei's metropolitan spatial development. The finding reveals that all developmental characteristics could be explained by two features. The first feature, the gradual saturation and development of compact central areas over a 15 year development pattern, showed no notable change. The second feature, sprawl and compact development patterns, presented opposite findings. Areas trending towards sprawling development include Taipei city's eastern edge, including the southern edge of Neihu, Nangang and Wenshan Districts as starting points moving east and expanding to Xizhi, Keelung, and Ruifang and south toward Xindian. Areas featuring compact development trends include the western side of metropolitan area such as Yingge, Shulin, Taishan and Linkou into Taoyuan County. Other districts in Taipei city's northern edge, Shilin and Beitou, are expanding northwards to Bali, Danshui, Sanzhi, Wanli, and Jinshan.
This paper combines the GIS spatial analyst and SPOT satellite images to establish the evaluation indicators of sprawl, including the dimensions of development density and land cover. According to established sprawl index, an inquiry was performed between 1991 and 2006 on the characteristics of Taipei's metropolitan spatial development. The finding reveals that all developmental characteristics could be explained by two features. The first feature, the gradual saturation and development of compact central areas over a 15 year development pattern, showed no notable change. The second feature, sprawl and compact development patterns, presented opposite findings. Areas trending towards sprawling development include Taipei city's eastern edge, including the southern edge of Neihu, Nangang and Wenshan Districts as starting points moving east and expanding to Xizhi, Keelung, and Ruifang and south toward Xindian. Areas featuring compact development trends include the western side of metropolitan area such as Yingge, Shulin, Taishan and Linkou into Taoyuan County. Other districts in Taipei city's northern edge, Shilin and Beitou, are expanding northwards to Bali, Danshui, Sanzhi, Wanli, and Jinshan.
起訖頁 97-124
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 201007 (21期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-上一篇 都市更新權利變換協議談判之契約分析
該期刊-下一篇 墾丁國家公園永續觀光發展之制度分析




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