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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
An Analysis of Contracts for Urban Renewal Rights Transformation Negotiation |
作者 |
卓輝華 |
中文摘要 |
In the process of urban renewal business in terms of rights transformation, both land owners and the implementers have to go through a three-stage contractual relationship; that is Business Summary, Urban Renewal Business Plans, and rights transformation Plans as well. According to norms of the Urban Renewal Act, the Relation Contracts of each stage has its important rights and obligations related contents, functions and purpose. Land owners and the implementers with the same Renewal Unit retain a short-term and once-for-all cooperative nature. According to the regulations of current Urban Renewal Act, both parties of the transaction by signing an agreement as the key contract of implementing urban renewal business. After signing up the contract, due to the different ratio of specific investment input by both sides of the transaction, the initial contract thus normally has been delaying or doubtfully signed. Even worse, after eventually signing the contract, there are still uncertain disputes on rights and obligations. Via the thoughts of Incomplete Contracts Theory, this paper not only analyzes the contractual relationship and the specific investment relationship of land owners and the implementers, but also recommends a new transaction contract model to decrease the opportunism behaviors of both sides, and further more, to facilitate the implement of urban renewal business. |
英文摘要 |
In the process of urban renewal business in terms of rights transformation, both land owners and the implementers have to go through a three-stage contractual relationship; that is Business Summary, Urban Renewal Business Plans, and rights transformation Plans as well. According to norms of the Urban Renewal Act, the Relation Contracts of each stage has its important rights and obligations related contents, functions and purpose. Land owners and the implementers with the same Renewal Unit retain a short-term and once-for-all cooperative nature. According to the regulations of current Urban Renewal Act, both parties of the transaction by signing an agreement as the key contract of implementing urban renewal business. After signing up the contract, due to the different ratio of specific investment input by both sides of the transaction, the initial contract thus normally has been delaying or doubtfully signed. Even worse, after eventually signing the contract, there are still uncertain disputes on rights and obligations. Via the thoughts of Incomplete Contracts Theory, this paper not only analyzes the contractual relationship and the specific investment relationship of land owners and the implementers, but also recommends a new transaction contract model to decrease the opportunism behaviors of both sides, and further more, to facilitate the implement of urban renewal business. |
起訖頁 |
67-95 |
刊名 |
土地經濟年刊 |
期數 |
201007 (21期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
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