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A Study on the Application of Partnership Governance in Taiwanese Rural Development - Pilot Cases of Rural Regeneration Program-
作者 簡俊發
自1990年代起,有些國家,在農村發展面臨全球化挑戰下被邊緣化的危機,即調整農村發展與治理策略,轉而強調由下而上治理,也就是,經由政府與在地社群的網絡夥伴關係來推動農村發展。這些先進國家農村再生的做法與治理策略,因而也不斷被引進到台灣。先進國家的農村再生做法與制度介入,對台灣農村規劃與建設的制度建立上,產生極大影響。然相關研究並沒有對於強調共同參與的網絡治理制度,提出在台灣實施所可能面臨的課題提出有系統研究或可能的因應策略。本文特別以網絡夥伴關係治理為題,以農村再生試辦地區的案例進行瞭解與檢視,找出影響台灣農村治理的關鍵構面,同時指出可能的因應策略,以作為相關政策擬定與執行的參考。本研究印證了信賴與網絡是夥伴關係治理運作的重要基礎,參與者彼此間產生的信賴中,隱含了實踐的隱含契約(非正式契約)之存在,要讓夥伴關係治理有效運作,建立能發揮實效的整合平台非常重要;而領導者特質也成為能否成為信賴關係的重要影響因素,而公部門參與也是不可或缺的角色,即文獻上的無政府的治理,不宜以無政府參與為目標,反而應該轉化為公私部門的夥伴信賴關係,以維持由下而上的機制下共同推動。 The rural development has faced the challenge from globalization and with a crisis being marginalized since 1990. From 1999, some advanced countries which faced with rural recession have adjusted their strategies of rural development and governance, i.e. adopted the bottom-up approach through the partnership of local community and government authorities to promote rural development. The approaches and institutions of rural regeneration in those countries have strongly influenced Taiwan’s institution of rural planning and development. This paper emphasizes on the network partnership and pays attention to the issues of implementation of rural governance in Taiwan to identify the influence factors and provide the coping strategy for the implementation of rural network governance in Taiwan. Trust and network are the main basis for the implementation of rural governance, and the participation of public authorities is indispensable part of rural governance. Consequently, the concept of governance with no government should be defined as the private -public partnership so as to have a bottom-up mechanism for rural development.
The rural development has faced the challenge from globalization and with a crisis being marginalized since 1990. From 1999, some advanced countries which faced with rural recession have adjusted their strategies of rural development and governance, i.e. adopted the bottom-up approach through the partnership of local community and government authorities to promote rural development. The approaches and institutions of rural regeneration in those countries have strongly influenced Taiwan’s institution of rural planning and development. This paper emphasizes on the network partnership and pays attention to the issues of implementation of rural governance in Taiwan to identify the influence factors and provide the coping strategy for the implementation of rural network governance in Taiwan. Trust and network are the main basis for the implementation of rural governance, and the participation of public authorities is indispensable part of rural governance. Consequently, the concept of governance with no government should be defined as the private -public partnership so as to have a bottom-up mechanism for rural development.
起訖頁 31-66
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 201007 (21期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-上一篇 台灣地區個別農舍興建制度與執行之研究
該期刊-下一篇 都市更新權利變換協議談判之契約分析




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