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A Study for Climate Change and Delineating Simulation of the National Conservation Area in Tao Yuan County
作者 賴炳樹
面對當今全球氣候變遷,天然災害的頻率越來越高,規模也越來越大,政府應重視全球氣候變遷對國土空間計畫之意涵,強化國土保育地區在國土空間規劃上扮演的重要角色和功能,加速國土保育地區之劃設,以降低國土脆弱度水準,提高國土的災害回復力。本研究選擇以桃園縣為研究區域,結合地理資訊系統與環境敏感地分析,進行國土保育地區分級分區之模擬劃設。本研究目的為發展一套國土保育地區劃設之標準操作程序。本研究之劃設整合水、土、林、海資源之行政管理,與減少功能次分區競合重疊發生之機會,三層分級面積比例較符合脆弱度之分級與補償原則。國土復育與國土規劃是一套涵蓋價值觀念、法令制度以及管理執行、行動實踐的體制,未來透過從環境意識的觀念教育做起,帶動全民重視因應全球的氣候變遷,並持續性的進行國土資源調查與分析,將容易發生災害的環境敏感地區劃設為國土保育地區,同時藉由國土空間規劃與管理的配套機制,才能為台灣國土永續發展奠定基礎。 Facing global climate change and increasingly frequent and severe natural disaster, government should put emphasis on the significance of global climate change with respect to national spatial plan, strengthen the role and the function for national conservation area in national spatial planning, and expedite the implementation of national conservation area to reduce national land vulnerability level and increase resilience to disaster for national land. Tao Yuan County was selected as a study area. Geographic Information System combined with environmentally sensitivity area analysis was applied to delineate the National Conservation Area. The aim of this study is to develop a standard operation procedure for delineating the national conservation area. The research integrates the administration for water, land, forestry and marine resources and minimizes the situation with area overlapping and conflict. Three levels shall meet the principle of vulnerability ranking and compensation. National land recovery and national land planning is a system that covers value concept, legal system, management and execution, and implementation. In the future, it will start with education of environmental conciseness and stress on coping with global climate change. It will also continue to conduct national land resource survey and analysis and designate the environmentally sensitive area that disaster frequently occurs into national conservation area. It will also adopt the national spatial planning and management system to set foundation for the sustainable development for Taiwan’s national land.
Facing global climate change and increasingly frequent and severe natural disaster, government should put emphasis on the significance of global climate change with respect to national spatial plan, strengthen the role and the function for national conservation area in national spatial planning, and expedite the implementation of national conservation area to reduce national land vulnerability level and increase resilience to disaster for national land. Tao Yuan County was selected as a study area. Geographic Information System combined with environmentally sensitivity area analysis was applied to delineate the National Conservation Area. The aim of this study is to develop a standard operation procedure for delineating the national conservation area. The research integrates the administration for water, land, forestry and marine resources and minimizes the situation with area overlapping and conflict. Three levels shall meet the principle of vulnerability ranking and compensation. National land recovery and national land planning is a system that covers value concept, legal system, management and execution, and implementation. In the future, it will start with education of environmental conciseness and stress on coping with global climate change. It will also continue to conduct national land resource survey and analysis and designate the environmentally sensitive area that disaster frequently occurs into national conservation area. It will also adopt the national spatial planning and management system to set foundation for the sustainable development for Taiwan’s national land.
起訖頁 155-186
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 201007 (21期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-上一篇 墾丁國家公園永續觀光發展之制度分析
該期刊-下一篇 市地重劃財務模型之建構與探討




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