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The Structures, Aboveground Biomass, Carbon Storage of Phyllostachys pubescens Stands in Huisun Experimental Forest Station and Shi-Zhuo
作者 王仁陳財輝張華洲鍾欣芸李宗宜劉瓊霦
本研究係以惠蓀林場與石棹之孟宗竹林分為樣區,依各胸徑階選取樣竹,並以分層刈取法測定樣竹之各項生長情況及其林分結構,再以複回歸模式估算其林分生物量,進而比較此兩地孟宗竹林分生物量差異。調查結果顯示,惠蓀林場孟宗竹林分密度每公頃7, 933±766株;石棹孟宗竹林分密度每公頃8, 344±758株。以複回歸模式推估地上部現存乾物量,惠蓀林場孟宗竹林分地上部現存乾物量為58±12Mg ha^(-1),而石棹為171±19Mg ha^(-1)。比較此二立地平均立木胸徑、地上部生物量、碳儲存量,皆以石棹之孟宗竹林分較惠蓀林場之孟宗竹林分為高。 The study was set to investigate the stand structure, aboveground biomass, carbon storage of Phyllostachys pubescens in Huisun Experimental Forest Station (HS) and Shi-Zhuo (SZ). Sampling bamboos were selected from different diameter at breast height (DBH) classes, using the stratified clip method, and then used the multiple regression model to estimate these two stands biomass. The results showed that the stand density was 7,933±766 clums ha^(-1) in HS, and 8,344±758 clums ha^(-1) in SZ, respectively. The aboveground biomass was 58±12 Mg ha^(-1) in HS, and 171±19 Mg ha^(-1) in SZ, respectively. The DBH, and carbon storage, in HS were also lower than in SZ.
The study was set to investigate the stand structure, aboveground biomass, carbon storage of Phyllostachys pubescens in Huisun Experimental Forest Station (HS) and Shi-Zhuo (SZ). Sampling bamboos were selected from different diameter at breast height (DBH) classes, using the stratified clip method, and then used the multiple regression model to estimate these two stands biomass. The results showed that the stand density was 7,933±766 clums ha^(-1) in HS, and 8,344±758 clums ha^(-1) in SZ, respectively. The aboveground biomass was 58±12 Mg ha^(-1) in HS, and 171±19 Mg ha^(-1) in SZ, respectively. The DBH, and carbon storage, in HS were also lower than in SZ.
起訖頁 17-26
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200912 (31:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 雪霸國家公園雪見地區山黑扁豆屬植物之生物學研究
該期刊-下一篇 太平山國家森林遊樂區生態旅遊策略聯盟之政策分析




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