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Biology of Genus Dumasia at Shei-Jian Area in Shei-Pa National Park
作者 莊敏芬蔡尚悳邱清安王志強曾喜育歐辰雄
本研究旨在建立雪霸國家公園雪見地區苗栗野豇豆、臺灣山黑扁豆,以及二者之雜交種等臺灣產山黑扁豆屬3分類群的生物學基本資料。利用山黑扁豆屬植物47個形態性狀,進行數值分類探討,調查並分析山黑扁豆屬之分布、環境因子、伴生植群、物候和授粉生態,以及種子發芽等。數值分類結果顯示;雜交種與苗栗野豇豆較相似。又22個植群樣區中共記錄171種維管束植物,而依矩陣群團分析劃分成苦懸子-五節芒型、苗栗野豇豆-腎蕨型、五節芒-臺灣澤蘭-波葉山螞蝗型、卡氏儲-西施花型等4個植群型,山黑扁豆屬植物主要出現於後3者植物社會中,惟優勢程度不一;五節芒-臺灣澤蘭-波葉山螞蝗型為本區較優勢之草本植物社會。另由2×2關連分析結果顯示,臺灣山黑扁豆與苗栗野豇豆呈顯著負相關;再者,由環境因子與兩者分布之重要值的相關分析顯示,苗栗野豇豆與土壤有效磷、土壤有機質、陽離子置換能量(CEC)呈正相關。本屬植物展葉期為2-5月,落葉期為11月至翌年2月;臺灣產山黑扁豆3分類群之花期部份重疊,臺灣山黑扁豆較苗栗野豇豆的始花期早2個月,較雜交種早1個月。本屬植物為蟲媒授粉,授粉昆蟲皆為熊蜂;套袋試驗顯示,臺灣山黑扁豆可自花授粉,苗栗野豇豆與雜交種自花授粉結實率皆為0。 The vegetation, numerical taxonomy, distribution, habitat, phenology, pollination ecology and seed germination of Dumasia species were surveyed at Shei-Jian Area in Shei-Pa National Park. Three taxa are D. miaoliensis Liu & Lu, D. villosa DC. ssp. bicolor (Hay.) Ohashi & Tateishi, and one hybrid, D. miaoliensis×D. villosa ssp. bicolor. Based on the results of numerical taxonomy, the hybrid was similar to D. miaoliensis. Twenty-two vegetation plots and 171 vascular plants were sampled, and 4 dominate vegetation types were recognized by matrix cluster analysis (MCA) as following: Rubus trianthus-Miscanthus floridalus type, Dumasia miaoliensis-Nephrolepis auriculata type, Miscanthus floridulus-Eupatorium formosanum-Desmdium sequax type, Castanopsis carlesii-Rhododendron ellipticum type. Dumasia spp. were commonly found in the last 3 vegetation types, and Miscanthus floridulus-Eupatorium formosanum-Desmodium sequas type was the most dominant plant community. According to the 2×2 correlation analysis, the relationship of occurrence between Dumasia miaoliensis and D. villosa DC. ssp. bicolor was negative significantly. And the abundance of D. miaoliensis was positively with the organic matter content, available phosphorus and cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soils. However, the abundance of D. villosa ssp. bicolor was not related to any environment factor in our study. The leaf flush started in February to May, and leaf drop occurred in November to February for Dumasia. Flowering phenology were somewhat overlapping for three taxa and shared the common pollinator, Bombus eximius. Based on the package test, seed set was occurred in D. villosa ssp. bicolor but not in D. miaoliensis and hybrid.
The vegetation, numerical taxonomy, distribution, habitat, phenology, pollination ecology and seed germination of Dumasia species were surveyed at Shei-Jian Area in Shei-Pa National Park. Three taxa are D. miaoliensis Liu & Lu, D. villosa DC. ssp. bicolor (Hay.) Ohashi & Tateishi, and one hybrid, D. miaoliensis×D. villosa ssp. bicolor. Based on the results of numerical taxonomy, the hybrid was similar to D. miaoliensis. Twenty-two vegetation plots and 171 vascular plants were sampled, and 4 dominate vegetation types were recognized by matrix cluster analysis (MCA) as following: Rubus trianthus-Miscanthus floridalus type, Dumasia miaoliensis-Nephrolepis auriculata type, Miscanthus floridulus-Eupatorium formosanum-Desmdium sequax type, Castanopsis carlesii-Rhododendron ellipticum type. Dumasia spp. were commonly found in the last 3 vegetation types, and Miscanthus floridulus-Eupatorium formosanum-Desmodium sequas type was the most dominant plant community. According to the 2×2 correlation analysis, the relationship of occurrence between Dumasia miaoliensis and D. villosa DC. ssp. bicolor was negative significantly. And the abundance of D. miaoliensis was positively with the organic matter content, available phosphorus and cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soils. However, the abundance of D. villosa ssp. bicolor was not related to any environment factor in our study. The leaf flush started in February to May, and leaf drop occurred in November to February for Dumasia. Flowering phenology were somewhat overlapping for three taxa and shared the common pollinator, Bombus eximius. Based on the package test, seed set was occurred in D. villosa ssp. bicolor but not in D. miaoliensis and hybrid.
起訖頁 1-15
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200912 (31:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 惠蓀林場和石棹孟宗竹林分結構及地上部生物量和碳儲存量




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