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The Vascularplant Inventory of HuiSun Forest Station(二) GYMNOSPERMAE and ANGIOSPERMAE (I)
作者 王志強歐辰雄
本研究為筆者之前發表之惠蓀林場維管束植物名錄(一)之後續資料,乃筆者數年來對國立中興大學惠蓀林場植物相調查及採集所得之結果,並蒐集整理歷年研究者之成果及各大標本館所藏之標本及紀錄所得。本文列出惠蓀林場轄區內經紀錄之維管束植物裸子植物部分共計有9科20屬37種(含以下階級),雙子葉植物計的科146屬299種(以臺灣植物誌第二版第二冊所列),文中之植物經考據異名後,以臺灣植物誌第二版、臺灣樹木誌(劉業經等,1994)及臺灣樹木圖誌第一卷(呂褔原等,2000)內所採用之學名為主。 This study is a part of vascularplant inventory of Hui-Sun Experimental Forest Station, according to the investigated record from authors, herbarium and other investigators, a total number of 37 Gymnospermae species belonging to 21 genera and 9 families, and 299 Dicotyledon species belonging to 146 genera and 45 families (based on the second volume of Flora of Taiwan (II edition)) was counted at Hui-Sun Experimental Forest Station, NCHU. The scientific name in this paper is based on the Flora of Taiwan (II edition), first volume of Trees of Taiwan (Liu et al., 1994) and Trees of Taiwan (Lu et al., 2000).
This study is a part of vascularplant inventory of Hui-Sun Experimental Forest Station, according to the investigated record from authors, herbarium and other investigators, a total number of 37 Gymnospermae species belonging to 21 genera and 9 families, and 299 Dicotyledon species belonging to 146 genera and 45 families (based on the second volume of Flora of Taiwan (II edition)) was counted at Hui-Sun Experimental Forest Station, NCHU. The scientific name in this paper is based on the Flora of Taiwan (II edition), first volume of Trees of Taiwan (Liu et al., 1994) and Trees of Taiwan (Lu et al., 2000).
起訖頁 27-44
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200309 (25:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 全民造林運動私有林主滿意度之研究--以台中縣為例
該期刊-下一篇 農林業社區發展休閒事業經營之地主意願、地區就業及產業發展策略──阿里山國家風景區內石桌地區之調查




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