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Satisfactions of Private Landowners Participated in All People Reforestation Movement Plan - An Illustration of Taichung County
作者 李久先顏添明曾聰堯
本研究之目的在於調查私有林主參與全民造林運動計畫之滿意度,研究範圍為台中縣境內參與全民造林運動之私有林主,以問卷調查方式取得的份有效問卷,經描述統計、T測驗及單因子變方分析探討林主之滿意度,所得之結果如下:(1)私有林主參與本計畫之主要動機為造林獎勵金、無意願從事農業生產、土地能持續經營及配合政府政策等四項。(2)私有林主對於本計畫之作業程序、種苗提供及政府的服態度感到滿意。(3)影響本計畫滿意度之主要因子為社會環境及林主參與計畫動機。 The purpose of this study was to investigate satisfactions of private landowners participated in 'All People Reforestation Movement Plan'. The study area was located in Taichung County, data were collected from 95 private landowners by questionnaire survey, analytic methods including the descriptive statistics, T-test and one-way ANOVA. The results showed as following: (1) Reforestation award, unwilling to farming, continuing land management and cooperation with government, are four major intentions of landowners participated in the plan. (2) Private landowners satisfied with plan process, offering seedling and service attitudes. (3) Major factors which affected satisfactions are the social-environment and intentions of landowners participated in the plan.
The purpose of this study was to investigate satisfactions of private landowners participated in 'All People Reforestation Movement Plan'. The study area was located in Taichung County, data were collected from 95 private landowners by questionnaire survey, analytic methods including the descriptive statistics, T-test and one-way ANOVA. The results showed as following: (1) Reforestation award, unwilling to farming, continuing land management and cooperation with government, are four major intentions of landowners participated in the plan. (2) Private landowners satisfied with plan process, offering seedling and service attitudes. (3) Major factors which affected satisfactions are the social-environment and intentions of landowners participated in the plan.
起訖頁 11-26
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200309 (25:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 關刀溪森林生態系土壤有機質週轉率與土壤呼吸通量
該期刊-下一篇 惠蓀林場雄管束植物名錄(二)裸子植物與被子植物(I)




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