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Agriculture/Forestry-based Community Developing Leisure Business Management: the Interests, Employment, and Strategy -A Survey of Se-Juo in National Alishan Scenic Area
作者 羅紹麟羅凱安林喻東
為因應日趨全球化及加入世界貿易組織之後,有效利用既有鄉村農林業生產因素(土地、勞力、資本、經營能力),避免其閒置與不當利用,並提供國民更多休閒或遊憩機會,增加鄉村社區就業機會,紓緩經濟成長停滯的壓力,在特定有發展休閒遊憩潛力的鄉村地區,將原有農林業生產的功能轉變為休閒事業之經營,是一種當地資源經營者可能選擇的作法。本研究探討傳統上以農林業生產為主,2001年劃入阿里山國家風景區之石桌地區為例,藉由現場調查分析資源現況,以及問卷訪問私有地主(143位)、各級管理機關意見等方法,瞭解目前對於此作法之地主意願,並經由分析之結果,對地區就業及未來發展策略提出建議。主要發現與建議如下:石桌地區(奮起湖、光華、頂湖)目前之主要農林業生產種類為茶(77.6%)及石竹〔轎篙竹〕筍(62.9%),由於休閒遊憩需求持續增加,目前經營與休閒有關之事業雖仍佔少數,但有60%的受訪者表示未來有興趣朝此發展,其中最想從事為民宿(67.1)與餐飲業(24.7%);地主之現住家庭內之總人數、成年人數、未成年人數,其中特別是男性的人數(與農林土地繼承有關),與經營休閒有關事業之意願有正向之關係,有經營休閒業意願之地主92%表示會自行經營,顯示農林業與休閒業在時間之安排上存在相當之互補性,即家庭勞力充足與否與事業間之互補性會影響其經營興趣;自行經營休閒業者中有28.4%仍需家庭成員以外之額外勞力,顯示當地發展休閒相關事業,應有增加當地就業機會之效果;經分析評估此地區發展休閒產業之內部條件(優、劣勢)及外部條件(機會威脅),建議在未來發展策略上,以永續發展為前提,保留既有之優美森林為背景,朝享受自然、人文(鐵道文化)探尋之生態旅遊為主題的健康、渡假勝地的方向發展,休閒相關事業與農林業經營者應組織化,聯盟合作、共同行銷休閒服務與特有品牌農特產,降低休閒業經營成本與增加農林業生產之附加價值。 For the sake of globalization, Taiwanese authority actively guides leisure-related business development in rural area in order to efficiently allocate surplus agriculture/forestry production inputs and mitigate declining economic growth. This is special true for the enlargement of domestic demand as well as the recreation opportunities to citizen. In this paper, we investigated the interests of the private landowners of 143 sample landowners who reside at Se-Juo of National Alishan Scenic Area (ANSA) by using questionnaire survey and applied SWOT analysis to develop appropriately strategy for this area. The results of this paper shown the current main managed agriculture/forestry production in Se-Juo area are Tea (77.6%) and Thill Bamboo Shoot (62.9%), leisure-related business are minor, but 60% of landowners expect to engage leisure-related business in the future. Bring leisure-related business can ameliorate unemployment in rural/forest area by increase the demand of local extra employment. The total, adult, and nonage number (especially male) of a household have positive correlationship with the landowners’ interest to engage leisure-related business. Most landowner's (92%) express that family members will help when they managing the leisure-related business, it means they will deal leisure-related business as supplement and admit of current agriculture/forestry operations. Hence, the nature of job combination is an important factor to influence the interest of landowners. By using SWOT analysis to evaluate the feasibility and strategy of bringing in the leisure-related business into Se-Juo area, we suggested that the Se-Juo area should head the theme for nature or eco-tourism, and the current subsidy programs should consider focusing on founding the organizations of local landowners to facilitate agriculture/forestry production change to leisure-related business effectively.
For the sake of globalization, Taiwanese authority actively guides leisure-related business development in rural area in order to efficiently allocate surplus agriculture/forestry production inputs and mitigate declining economic growth. This is special true for the enlargement of domestic demand as well as the recreation opportunities to citizen. In this paper, we investigated the interests of the private landowners of 143 sample landowners who reside at Se-Juo of National Alishan Scenic Area (ANSA) by using questionnaire survey and applied SWOT analysis to develop appropriately strategy for this area. The results of this paper shown the current main managed agriculture/forestry production in Se-Juo area are Tea (77.6%) and Thill Bamboo Shoot (62.9%), leisure-related business are minor, but 60% of landowners expect to engage leisure-related business in the future. Bring leisure-related business can ameliorate unemployment in rural/forest area by increase the demand of local extra employment. The total, adult, and nonage number (especially male) of a household have positive correlationship with the landowners’ interest to engage leisure-related business. Most landowner's (92%) express that family members will help when they managing the leisure-related business, it means they will deal leisure-related business as supplement and admit of current agriculture/forestry operations. Hence, the nature of job combination is an important factor to influence the interest of landowners. By using SWOT analysis to evaluate the feasibility and strategy of bringing in the leisure-related business into Se-Juo area, we suggested that the Se-Juo area should head the theme for nature or eco-tourism, and the current subsidy programs should consider focusing on founding the organizations of local landowners to facilitate agriculture/forestry production change to leisure-related business effectively.
起訖頁 45-56
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200309 (25:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 惠蓀林場雄管束植物名錄(二)裸子植物與被子植物(I)
該期刊-下一篇 土壤鹽度對欖仁苗木生長、水分狀態及葉綠素濃度之影響




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