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The Changing Identities and Ethnic Relationship in the Case of “Pingpu-Hakka”
作者 陳明惠 (Ming-Huei Chen)王俐容
當代族群研究逐漸以變動與混雜的觀點來分析認同與文化的生成。臺灣客家族群內部的異質性,以及隨著族群與文化流動所帶來的多重認同與文化混雜的議題也逐漸被重視。過去臺灣的客家研究對於族群互動的探討,主要著重在「閩客關係」,而「原客關係」則是相對被忽略的研究議題。但隨著平埔運動與研究的興起,平埔客的議題開始得到新的關注。本研究主要的目的在於探究當代平埔客的發展脈絡及其認同發展與變化的歷程,進一步探索客家的多樣性,以及思考臺灣客家與平埔之間族群邊界的變動與發展。本研究發現,平埔客後裔文化認同的界定為一種持續轉變的過程,族群文化與認同總在不同的社會、歷史、政治、經濟脈絡下不斷混合、對話、重整與再建構。本研究認為平埔客的相關研究,深化並具體陳述出當代對於文化混雜性(cultural hybridity)與認同的相關議題,使我們認識到新身分、認同與文化形式的產製,都是策略性的切割與分類,或是暫時的穩定化;每個個體的認同都可能是在與當下的時空、文化與社會對話、互動所交織出的複雜現象。希望平埔客的研究得以推翻目前分類的對立性,找尋並建立一個新的情境來容納文化的彈性與變遷。 Internal heterogeneity within the Hakka ethnic groups in Taiwan as well as the numerous confounding identity and cultural issues associated to the ethnic and cultural exchanges are gradually gaining attention. Through literature review and in-depth interviews, the primary objectives of this study were to explore the historical development context of the Pingpu-Hakkas and to further reflect on the change and development for the ethic relations and boundaries of the Taiwanese-Hakkas. We believe that the relevant Pingpu-Hakkas studies have deepened and specifically illustrated the relevant cultural hybridity and identity related topics to allow us to understand that the new identity, identification, and cultural format production were all designed for strategic excision and classification, or to achieve temporary stabilization. Each individual's identity may be a complex phenomenon interwoven by the present era, cultural, and social dialogues and interactions. We hope that the Pingpu-Hakka studies can overthrow the current classification contrariety as well as search and establish a new cultural context to accommodate the flexibility and transition of culture.
Internal heterogeneity within the Hakka ethnic groups in Taiwan as well as the numerous confounding identity and cultural issues associated to the ethnic and cultural exchanges are gradually gaining attention. Through literature review and in-depth interviews, the primary objectives of this study were to explore the historical development context of the Pingpu-Hakkas and to further reflect on the change and development for the ethic relations and boundaries of the Taiwanese-Hakkas. We believe that the relevant Pingpu-Hakkas studies have deepened and specifically illustrated the relevant cultural hybridity and identity related topics to allow us to understand that the new identity, identification, and cultural format production were all designed for strategic excision and classification, or to achieve temporary stabilization. Each individual's identity may be a complex phenomenon interwoven by the present era, cultural, and social dialogues and interactions. We hope that the Pingpu-Hakka studies can overthrow the current classification contrariety as well as search and establish a new cultural context to accommodate the flexibility and transition of culture.
起訖頁 47-84
關鍵詞 平埔客客家研究族群認同文化混雜性Pingpu-Hakkathe Hakka studiesEthnic IdentitiesCultural Hybridity
刊名 思與言  
期數 201712 (55:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 聖俗共構、剛柔相濟:佛教道場男性氣概初探
該期刊-下一篇 讀俞樾《諸子平議.淮南子》記




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