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A Study of Huainanzi Pingyi in Yuyue's Zhuzi Pingyi
作者 郭鵬飛蔡挺
德清俞樾(1821-1907),字蔭甫,號曲園,晚清樸學大家,徐世昌(1855-1939)《清儒學案.曲園學案》譽之曰:「同、光之間,蔚然為東南大師。」《諸子平議》一書,是子學訓釋的鉅著,乃俞樾代表作,足可與王念孫(1744-1832)《讀書雜志》雁行。俞樾嫻於古籍,通文字音韻,對語文有極其敏銳的觸覺,故其分析文意,常有新見,如《淮南子‧道應訓》「可以窈」,俞氏讀「窈」為「幽」,《文子》正作「可以幽」。又同篇「而示諸先生」,王念孫謂「先生」二字於義無取,「先生」當作「民人」。俞樾則指「民人」與下文不合,而以「先生」二字無誤。此皆見俞氏卓見與深邃之語文功底。然而,俞氏亦有千慮一失之處,如《淮南子.精神訓》「使神滔蕩而不失其充」,俞改「充」為「元」,卻欠憑證,不知李善注引此句亦作「充」,而「充」釋為「實」,義本通暢,毋庸改字。又如《說林訓》「任動者車鳴也」,俞氏指「任」是「任木」。然「任木」無單言「任」者,「任」實取其「擔」義。凡此皆見俞氏勇於立說而有欠周密之失。今就俞氏《諸子平議.淮南子》部分,舉其精到見解,檢其可議之處,略陳己見,並就相關詞義問題,一併討論。 Yuyue (1821-1907) was a distinguished Qing (1644-1912) scholar, whose tremendous achievements in the study of the Chinese classics and philology are greatly respected to this day. His work, Zhuzi Pingyi, continue to be essential references for Chinese philologists. However, the author of this paper argue that his commentaries on Huainanzi would benefit from further investigation and refinements. This paper is an attempt to re-examine some of their commentaries on Huainanzi and offer rectification to possible errors. Sixteen examples will be discussed in detail and it is hoped that the questions raised in this essay will form the basis for further research.
Yuyue (1821-1907) was a distinguished Qing (1644-1912) scholar, whose tremendous achievements in the study of the Chinese classics and philology are greatly respected to this day. His work, Zhuzi Pingyi, continue to be essential references for Chinese philologists. However, the author of this paper argue that his commentaries on Huainanzi would benefit from further investigation and refinements. This paper is an attempt to re-examine some of their commentaries on Huainanzi and offer rectification to possible errors. Sixteen examples will be discussed in detail and it is hoped that the questions raised in this essay will form the basis for further research.
起訖頁 85-124
關鍵詞 俞樾《諸子平議》《淮南子平議》《淮南子》訓詁學YuyueZhuzi PingyiHuainanzi PingyiHuainanziChinese Philology
刊名 思與言  
期數 201712 (55:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 變遷中的平埔客認同與族群關係
該期刊-下一篇 論王夫之《禮記章句》與其所涉及之明清《禮記》學問題




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