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The Sacred and the Profane: Preliminary Study of Masculinity in Buddhism Mission
作者 邱琡雯
本文將男性氣概視為社會建構的動態過程,注重宗教與社會的互動關係,掌握制度性宗教中男性氣概的建制,分析男眾如何看待教團打造出來的男性氣概氛圍,如何面對教團內外男性氣概聖俗價值的衝突及其回應之道。研究方法主要採參與觀察法及訪談法,以臺北福智《廣論》班的中年男眾為對象,先從「回顧式的參與觀察」此一概念闡述研究動機;其次藉由「教團建構出的男性氣概」、「聖俗競合下的男性氣概」、「佛教教義中的男性氣概」三點,架設出佛教道場男性氣概研究的初步結構圖。再從教主、教團、教義、世俗價值等面向切入,將參與觀察資料與訪談資料進行交叉檢證,以「萬善根本從師出」、「菩提道上優婆賽」、「當善男遇見信女」三個命名呈現研究結果,勇於承擔(身)、清淨語業(語)、摧伏我慢(意)是福智男性氣概的主要特徵,他們也從教主身上以及與女眾的互動中,不斷去建構、去調整符合教團及自我標準的男性氣概。 Masculinity is considered as social constructed dynamic process in thesis, to grasp interactive relationship between religion and society, to analyses masculinity's construction in institutional religion, male believers how to react the masculinity's atmosphere constructed by Buddhism mission, and how to deal with the conflict between the sacred and the profane concerning masculinity value. Participant observation and interviewing are accepted, middle-aged men in Blisswisdom's Lamrim Chenmo studying classes in Taipei are object. First, I elaborate research motive from the concept of “retrospectively participant observation”. Second, I setup structural chart from three directions, namely, masculinity constructed by Buddhism mission, masculinity coopetition in the sacred and the profane, and masculinity in Buddhism doctrines. Third, by the founder, mission, doctrines, secular value dimensions, I carry out cross validation from the data of participant observation and interviewing. Finally, I denominate three findings “all benevolence origin is revered master”, “Upāsaka in dharma path”, “When kula-putra meet kuladuhitri” to present research result. Taking responsibility, speaking good words, destroying arrogance are main three masculinity characters. Meanwhile, the male believers also construct and modulate the masculinity continuously from the founder and the female in order to accord with the mission's and themselves' standards.
Masculinity is considered as social constructed dynamic process in thesis, to grasp interactive relationship between religion and society, to analyses masculinity's construction in institutional religion, male believers how to react the masculinity's atmosphere constructed by Buddhism mission, and how to deal with the conflict between the sacred and the profane concerning masculinity value. Participant observation and interviewing are accepted, middle-aged men in Blisswisdom's Lamrim Chenmo studying classes in Taipei are object. First, I elaborate research motive from the concept of “retrospectively participant observation”. Second, I setup structural chart from three directions, namely, masculinity constructed by Buddhism mission, masculinity coopetition in the sacred and the profane, and masculinity in Buddhism doctrines. Third, by the founder, mission, doctrines, secular value dimensions, I carry out cross validation from the data of participant observation and interviewing. Finally, I denominate three findings “all benevolence origin is revered master”, “Upāsaka in dharma path”, “When kula-putra meet kuladuhitri” to present research result. Taking responsibility, speaking good words, destroying arrogance are main three masculinity characters. Meanwhile, the male believers also construct and modulate the masculinity continuously from the founder and the female in order to accord with the mission's and themselves' standards.
起訖頁 1-46
關鍵詞 聖俗善男子廣論班男性氣概回顧式的參與觀察the Sacred and the ProfaneKula-putraLamrim Chenmo Studying ClassMasculinityRetrospectively Participant Observation
刊名 思與言  
期數 201712 (55:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-下一篇 變遷中的平埔客認同與族群關係




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