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作者 郭祐誠
台灣如同其他歐美國家,以教育程度當作衡量性別教育成就差距早已消失,但性別職業隔離現象還是清楚呈現,女性在理工領域的人數明顯較男性少,而這也普遍被視為男女間持續存在工資差距的重要因素。由於大學時期的主修與未來的職業選擇息息相關,因此本計畫的目標在利用「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫後續調查」(簡稱TEPS-B)連結「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(簡稱TEPS),探索國中時期同儕的性別組成對於未來上大學科系選擇之可能影響。實證結果發現國中班級的性別組成對於未來性別主流科系選擇的影響,主要發生在男性,且存在非線性的關聯。當班級中女性比例為絕對少數時,此時女性比例的增加會提高男性將來選擇性別主流科系的可能性,亦即傾向選理工科系。但當女性超過一定比例為相對多數時,此時會降低男性將來選擇性別主流科系的機率,也就是傾向選人文社會科系。至於性別組成對女性之影響則與男性有所差異,實證結果顯示女性之科系選擇與學習環境的性別組成之間無顯著關聯。由於絕大多數國中班級性別比例之組成不大可能由學生或其家長所影響或加以選擇,此一結果顯示班級性別之組成的確有可能影響學生之性別意識及學習行為,進而影響學生將來科系之選擇。此一發現或許可以解釋為何台灣近年來男性大學生,選擇理工科系的比例逐年降低,部分有可能導因於國中時期班級,性別分佈漸趨平均所致。 Empirical evidence indicates that gender-based difference in ability can only partly explain differences in educational or occupational choices. The concern of gender segregation in occupation or education has never lessened as scientists seek to address the underrepresentation of women in science technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers Authors of previous studies suspect that students growing in a learning environment with more mixed-gender setup are more likely to choose gender-stereotyped majors This paper will analyze the effects of per gender-composition on choice of college major using data from the Taiwan Education Penal Survey (TEPS) and Taiwan Education Pane Survey and Beyond (TEPS B). Results showed that pear gander-composition in junior high school has significant and nonlinear impact on male choice of college major Male students who attended a junior high school class with a very low proportion of female classmates tended to select "prevalently male" college majors as the proportion of females increased in their junior high school classes it is worth nothing that males become less likely to choose prevalently male" college majors once the female sex ratio reaches a certain level. These effects of peer gender-composition however, are not observed in the female cohort These results may partly explain the declining percentage of male college students who choose natural sciences as their college major over the last decade These findings should also improve the understanding of educational decision-making processes in Taiwan and be relevant to national educational policy decisions.
Empirical evidence indicates that gender-based difference in ability can only partly explain differences in educational or occupational choices. The concern of gender segregation in occupation or education has never lessened as scientists seek to address the underrepresentation of women in science technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers Authors of previous studies suspect that students growing in a learning environment with more mixed-gender setup are more likely to choose gender-stereotyped majors This paper will analyze the effects of per gender-composition on choice of college major using data from the Taiwan Education Penal Survey (TEPS) and Taiwan Education Pane Survey and Beyond (TEPS B). Results showed that pear gander-composition in junior high school has significant and nonlinear impact on male choice of college major Male students who attended a junior high school class with a very low proportion of female classmates tended to select "prevalently male" college majors as the proportion of females increased in their junior high school classes it is worth nothing that males become less likely to choose prevalently male" college majors once the female sex ratio reaches a certain level. These effects of peer gender-composition however, are not observed in the female cohort These results may partly explain the declining percentage of male college students who choose natural sciences as their college major over the last decade These findings should also improve the understanding of educational decision-making processes in Taiwan and be relevant to national educational policy decisions.
起訖頁 225-261
關鍵詞 科系選擇職業隔離同儕效果同儕性別組成Choice of college majorOccupational segregationpeer gender compostion
刊名 經濟論文  
期數 201806 (46:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院經濟研究所
該期刊-上一篇 台灣公營事業民營化對受僱員工薪資與就業之影響--長期追蹤資料分析
該期刊-下一篇 經濟成長、薪資停滯?初探台灣實質薪資與勞動生產力成長脫鉤之成因




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