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Establishing a Standardized Procedure for the Urban Traffic Signal Control System Development
作者 徐國鈞
本研究屬於交通部之系列專題研究計畫之一,全系列計畫之目的乃是尋求解決台灣地區發展都市號誌控制系統時之各種實務性困難;而本研究主旨在於針對都市交通號誌控制系統之建置/更新與擴充工程,建立一套標準作業規範,期能成為其從業人員的作業守則;俾使我國都市交通號誌控制系統工程之行政作業制度得以逐步標準化,且使未來的交通號誌控制系統得以發揮其應有之改善都市道路交通運作的功能。 This study belongs to a series of ITS-oriented projects sponsored by the MOTC. It aims to resolve those practical development problems of the domestic urban traffic signal control systems. Research efforts have been focused on establishing a standardized procedure for the construction, renew and expansion of the urban traffic signal control system development. It is expected that based on the outcomes of this study, i.e., an operational manual of system development, urban traffic signal control system authorities can revise step by step their administration procedure to further improve the domestic urban traffic control system development in the near future.
This study belongs to a series of ITS-oriented projects sponsored by the MOTC. It aims to resolve those practical development problems of the domestic urban traffic signal control systems. Research efforts have been focused on establishing a standardized procedure for the construction, renew and expansion of the urban traffic signal control system development. It is expected that based on the outcomes of this study, i.e., an operational manual of system development, urban traffic signal control system authorities can revise step by step their administration procedure to further improve the domestic urban traffic control system development in the near future.
起訖頁 361-390
關鍵詞 交通號誌控制系統系統工程標準作業程序Traffic signal control systemSystem engineeringStandardized procedure
刊名 運輸計劃季刊  
期數 200206 (31:2期)
出版單位 交通部運輸研究所
該期刊-上一篇 捷運系統營運路線組合設計之研究
該期刊-下一篇 委外校車路線規劃問題之研究




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