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Routing School Bus for Contract Carriers
作者 林志鴻陳春益林育俐曾智強
國內私立學校為便利學生就學,多提供校車服務,但基於經營成本之考量,不一定自行經營。自行經營校車多以學校為校車基地,其路線規劃問題可視為一般車輛路線問題。惟校車委託他人經營時,在車輛派遣(如車輛起迄點不一定相同)、與收益核算(如各車輛之收益力求平均)等方面與自行經營不同,值得進一步加以探討。本研究以南部某私立學校為實例研究對象,探討校車委託他人經營之校車路線規劃問題(簡稱委外校車路線規劃問題),經初步了解,此委外校車路線規劃問題與一般車輛路線問題不同且較為複雜。本研究則依其營運特性直接構建一數學模式(同時考量指派與排序兩因素),據以求解此委外校車路線規劃問題,惟此模式於問題規模較大時,求解不易,本研究乃利用區位基礎啟發法之觀念,研提一啟發模式(先後考量指派與排序兩因素),以利於求解較大規模之委外校車路線規劃問題,並以此啟發模式進行實例研究。由實例運算結果顯示,此啟發模式之運算績效良好,應可協助學校進行校車之路線規劃。 Many private schools offer school buses for their students; however only a few of them run the business on their own while considering the operation cost. Those schools which own buses usually take schools as bus depots. This school bus routing planning can be viewed as a kind of general vehicle routing planning. However if school buses are operated by outsources, the characteristics of the school bus routing planning are different in terms of vehicle dispatch and benefit calculation. This paper explores the routing problem of the school buses run by outsources, and selects a junior college in southern Taiwan as the case for study. Furthermore, a mathematical programming model is built for this bus routing problem. A location based heuristic (LBH) is employed to solve the routing problem. The case study shows that the heuristic seems to be promising.
Many private schools offer school buses for their students; however only a few of them run the business on their own while considering the operation cost. Those schools which own buses usually take schools as bus depots. This school bus routing planning can be viewed as a kind of general vehicle routing planning. However if school buses are operated by outsources, the characteristics of the school bus routing planning are different in terms of vehicle dispatch and benefit calculation. This paper explores the routing problem of the school buses run by outsources, and selects a junior college in southern Taiwan as the case for study. Furthermore, a mathematical programming model is built for this bus routing problem. A location based heuristic (LBH) is employed to solve the routing problem. The case study shows that the heuristic seems to be promising.
起訖頁 391-427
關鍵詞 校車路線規劃問題車輛路線問題區位基礎啟發法School bus routing problemVehicle routing problemLocation based heuristic
刊名 運輸計劃季刊  
期數 200206 (31:2期)
出版單位 交通部運輸研究所
該期刊-上一篇 都市交通號誌控制系統工程之標準作業程序研究
該期刊-下一篇 超額容量對國內線航空定價行為影響之研究




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