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Design of Route Service Pattern for MRT System
作者 周義華黃勵君
本研究係針對捷運系統興建完成後,在不以工程改善為前提下,藉由既有之路網軌道布設及旅運量分布情形,運用系統化分析之方式,以啟發式演算法構建捷運營運路線組合之設計程序,提出基本營運路線及可行營運路線組合之捷運路網設計方法。為使經營者與使用者之權衡能達對系統整體有最佳之效益,本研究以營運者及使用者兩方面作為評估主軸,建立路網總評估指標,包含營運成本、乘客等車與轉車時間成本及轉車代價,而以系統總成本最小為目標。由設計程序所求解之各營運路線組合方案中,評選出最適方案,並透過敏感度分析之方式,探討影響營運路線組合設計變數間的相互關係,以提供決策者參考。經由民國八十九年四月間之台北捷運系統營運資料實例分析結果發現,在相同的控制變數下,以淡水--新店、石牌--南勢角及龍山寺--市政府站等三條之營運路線組合最佳。 This paper develops a heuristic method for the design of MRT route service pattern after referring to the MRT track's layout and the passenger OD matrix. Instead of engineering improvements, the MRT route service pattern are designed by logic procedures. Two types of routes are generated: (1) basic operation routes, (2) feasible operation routes. To achieve the optimum alternative, the effects of routes service pattern design on both operators and passengers are traded off by minimizing the sum of operating costs and passengers costs. Through the case studies on April 2000, it is shown that the optimal of route service pattern for TAIPEI MRT Network are consisted with three routes:(1)Tamshui to Hsintian; (2)Shihpei to Nanshih Chiao; (3)Lungshan Temple to Taipei City Hall under the same considerations.
This paper develops a heuristic method for the design of MRT route service pattern after referring to the MRT track's layout and the passenger OD matrix. Instead of engineering improvements, the MRT route service pattern are designed by logic procedures. Two types of routes are generated: (1) basic operation routes, (2) feasible operation routes. To achieve the optimum alternative, the effects of routes service pattern design on both operators and passengers are traded off by minimizing the sum of operating costs and passengers costs. Through the case studies on April 2000, it is shown that the optimal of route service pattern for TAIPEI MRT Network are consisted with three routes:(1)Tamshui to Hsintian; (2)Shihpei to Nanshih Chiao; (3)Lungshan Temple to Taipei City Hall under the same considerations.
起訖頁 323-360
關鍵詞 營運路線組合啟發式演算法系統總成本Route service patternHeuristic algorithmSystem total cost
刊名 運輸計劃季刊  
期數 200206 (31:2期)
出版單位 交通部運輸研究所
該期刊-上一篇 捷運鐵路列車延滯事件發生後行車調度策略之模擬分析
該期刊-下一篇 都市交通號誌控制系統工程之標準作業程序研究




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