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Wang Chuanshan's Interpretation of "human nature is similar, practice made them apart" in "The Analects of Confucius Yang goods" and Related Issues
作者 顏銘俊
船山對《論語‧陽貨》「性近習遠」章的詮解,具有多方面的學術價值,本文以之為主要材料,繫連船山哲學的相關人性論表詮,分析了船山對「氣質之性」概念的理解;對孔子言「性相近」、「習相遠」之義的發揮;對緣何孟子言「性善」、孔子卻僅言「性相近」所進行的融會思考。本文也對船山哲學人性論中諸如「天」、「命」、「理」、「氣」、「性」、「習」等觀念的意涵關聯有所梳理;特別是,析論了船山在人性本善的基礎上,對緣何人性有「不善」的展現所歸結的分屬「先天層面」和「後天層面」的原因,以及船山對「氣質之性」一語中「質」之概念的意涵擴充工作。最後總括船山此部分詮解的要義與學術史價值。 There is academic value in various respects for Chuan Shan's interpretation of "human nature is similar, practice made them apart" in "The Analects of Confucius Yang goods". In this research, such interpretation was used as the main material for the analysis of Chuan Shan's understanding toward the concept of "postnate human nature" in the consideration of relevant humanity ideology of his philosophy, which extended the meanings of Confucius's idea on "human nature is similar, practice made them apart" and the multi-aspect exploration on why Mengzi upheld "goodness of human nature" while Confucius propose "similar nature" only. This research also studied the implication and connection between the concept of "fate", "destiny", "truth", "atmosphere", "nature", and "learning" in Chuan Shan's humanity ideology of philosophy. Especially, on the basis of Chuan Shan's perspective on "human goodness by nature", the reason why there is "evil" shown in human nature was analyzed and concluded into two types of causes: innate aspect and postnate aspect. Furthermore, the extension on the implication of the concept of "quality" in Chuang Shan's words of "postnate human nature". At last, the key points and academic value of such interpretation by Chuang Shan were concluded.
There is academic value in various respects for Chuan Shan's interpretation of "human nature is similar, practice made them apart" in "The Analects of Confucius Yang goods". In this research, such interpretation was used as the main material for the analysis of Chuan Shan's understanding toward the concept of "postnate human nature" in the consideration of relevant humanity ideology of his philosophy, which extended the meanings of Confucius's idea on "human nature is similar, practice made them apart" and the multi-aspect exploration on why Mengzi upheld "goodness of human nature" while Confucius propose "similar nature" only. This research also studied the implication and connection between the concept of "fate", "destiny", "truth", "atmosphere", "nature", and "learning" in Chuan Shan's humanity ideology of philosophy. Especially, on the basis of Chuan Shan's perspective on "human goodness by nature", the reason why there is "evil" shown in human nature was analyzed and concluded into two types of causes: innate aspect and postnate aspect. Furthermore, the extension on the implication of the concept of "quality" in Chuang Shan's words of "postnate human nature". At last, the key points and academic value of such interpretation by Chuang Shan were concluded.
起訖頁 73-118
關鍵詞 王船山論語性相近氣質之性Wang Chuang-ShanAnalects of Confuciussimilar naturepostnate human natureevil
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201612 (23期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 論《古今譚概》的編纂方式與文獻運用
該期刊-下一篇 韓國佛教願文的書寫藝術--以《東文選》中的佛教願文為例




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