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Korean Buddhist writing art of Yuannwen (Ganmom): A Case Study of Buddhist Praying Texts in "東文選"
作者 李映瑾
「願文」是一種信徒申明其營造的功德項目並表達祈願心意的宗教功德文書,從公元四世紀左右開始流行於東亞漢文化圈;在中國,願文雖然因其本身帶有的宗教色彩,未留下深刻的文學發展足跡,但在一海之隔的日本,願文卻開展出哀傷文學一脈的璀燦光華。成書於約十五世紀末《東文選》,是韓國中世紀知名經典漢文選集。集中出自韓國知名漢文學家,如:崔致遠、李奎報、鄭知常等人之手的佛教願文作品,除了形制與中國、日本的願文有著相似的內容與結構,格外地引人注目之外,所呈現的四六駢文之美文書寫技巧與敘事手法,也體現了身為宗教應用文書的佛教願文,隨著宗教與文化的傳播,而在異地開展出的新風貌。本文主要以《東文選》之中的中世紀韓國知名漢學家之佛教願文作品為論述中心,探究韓國佛教願文的形制、書寫藝術與敘事手法,與其他東亞願文的特色與差異。並探討中、日、韓三國漢文學傳承的文學血脈之痕,以及東亞佛教願文的脈絡與傳衍痕跡。探討由中國隋唐時期的齋會願文為主軸所開展出的宗教文書之傳播與襲染,並而在藝術手法方面分析中、日、韓三國願文則之特色筆法,並梳理東亞佛教願文其格式與套語傳至8-12世紀的日本願文與7-15世紀的韓國願文之狀況。 A book in about the fifth century "東文選" medieval famous Korean classical Chinese language anthology. Concentrated by Korean famous Chinese writers, such as: Cui Zhiyuan, of Lee, Chang Zheng et al known Buddhist Praying Texts in the hands of the works, in addition to shape and China, Japan is willing to have a text of similar content and structure, exceptionally noticeable outside the presented forty-six Pianwen of Essay writing skills and narrative technique, but also reflects the application of the instrument as a religious Buddhist Praying Texts, along with religious and cultural dissemination, but in different places to carry out a new look. This paper mainly to the Middle Ages " 東文選" among the well-known scholar of Buddhism in Korea is willing to work for the paper discusses the center of Buddhism in Korea is willing to explore the shape of the text, the art of writing and narrative techniques, and other features and differences between East Asia Praying Texts. And explore China, Japan, and South Korea marks the literary blood of Chinese literary heritage, as well as the East Asian Buddhist Praying Texts in context and pass Yan marks. Discussion Communication and picking up carried out by the by the fast would wish Wen Chinese Sui and Tang Dynasties as the main religious instrument of, and while the analysis in artistic terms, Japan, and South Korea is willing to text Features strokes then the and combing the East Asian Buddhist Praying Texts in format and sets language spread to 8-12 century Japan and Korea would like to wish the text of the article 7-15 century.
A book in about the fifth century "東文選" medieval famous Korean classical Chinese language anthology. Concentrated by Korean famous Chinese writers, such as: Cui Zhiyuan, of Lee, Chang Zheng et al known Buddhist Praying Texts in the hands of the works, in addition to shape and China, Japan is willing to have a text of similar content and structure, exceptionally noticeable outside the presented forty-six Pianwen of Essay writing skills and narrative technique, but also reflects the application of the instrument as a religious Buddhist Praying Texts, along with religious and cultural dissemination, but in different places to carry out a new look. This paper mainly to the Middle Ages " 東文選" among the well-known scholar of Buddhism in Korea is willing to work for the paper discusses the center of Buddhism in Korea is willing to explore the shape of the text, the art of writing and narrative techniques, and other features and differences between East Asia Praying Texts. And explore China, Japan, and South Korea marks the literary blood of Chinese literary heritage, as well as the East Asian Buddhist Praying Texts in context and pass Yan marks. Discussion Communication and picking up carried out by the by the fast would wish Wen Chinese Sui and Tang Dynasties as the main religious instrument of, and while the analysis in artistic terms, Japan, and South Korea is willing to text Features strokes then the and combing the East Asian Buddhist Praying Texts in format and sets language spread to 8-12 century Japan and Korea would like to wish the text of the article 7-15 century.
起訖頁 119-150
關鍵詞 願文韓國願文韓國漢學東亞佛教願文East Asian Buddhist Praying TextsYuannwen (Ganmom)
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201612 (23期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 王船山對《論語‧陽貨》「性近習遠」章的詮解及相關問題探究




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