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The Compilation Style and Literature Application in the Discussion of Gu Jin Tan Gai
作者 吳俐雯
明人馮夢龍的《古今譚概》,基本上不是創作,而是前有所承,再增益個人眼見耳聞及閱讀所得,採摘錄和纂輯的方式審慎編纂而成,故本文歸納其編纂方式,並爬梳其取材來源,以見其方法之運用:前者重在編輯依歸及援引呈現之形式;後者則從文獻運用的角度,闡述是書之特色與價值,務求更系統性的顯現馮夢龍編纂的原則。 The Meng-Long Feng's Gu Jin Tan Gui is basically not an original creative work, but the succeeding writings adding the materials what he reads, hears and sees. Moreover, that is circumspectly compiled by manners of excerpting and editing. Therefore this study summarized the compilation style and sorted the sources of material obtaining. The former one emphasized the editorial accountability and the presentation format; the latter one based on the perspective of literature application to elaborate the characteristics and value of the book. It would systematically take on Meng-Long Feng's compilation style in this way.
The Meng-Long Feng's Gu Jin Tan Gui is basically not an original creative work, but the succeeding writings adding the materials what he reads, hears and sees. Moreover, that is circumspectly compiled by manners of excerpting and editing. Therefore this study summarized the compilation style and sorted the sources of material obtaining. The former one emphasized the editorial accountability and the presentation format; the latter one based on the perspective of literature application to elaborate the characteristics and value of the book. It would systematically take on Meng-Long Feng's compilation style in this way.
起訖頁 37-72
關鍵詞 《古今譚概》馮夢龍笑話文學文言小說編纂方式Gu Jin Tan GaiMeng-Long Fenga funny storyclassical short storycompilation style
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201612 (23期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 明代公案小說集「妖」化敘寫之文化意涵
該期刊-下一篇 王船山對《論語‧陽貨》「性近習遠」章的詮解及相關問題探究




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