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Beyond Opposition: Rethinking the Relationship of State and Market
作者 馮楊
傳統的經濟學框架中,國家與市場之間的關係處於一種此消彼長的對立模式。然而,比較政治經濟學通過用「建制性權力」來取代「專制性權力」,賦予了現代國家新的內涵,形成了一種超越對立的、國家和市場相互促進依賴的新國家主義發展觀。這一理論視野十分有助於思考應對當今全球化和新經濟的發展既需要市場更具活力也需要國家發揮更積極作用的現實,也提供了一個正和博弈的框架來反思和重塑中國經濟轉型過程中的國家和市場的關係。 Though state and market are opposite in the traditional economics frame, comparative political economy replaces despotic power by infrastructural power to define modern state, thus offering a theory frame in which state and market collaborate interdependently. This theoretical perspective is helpful to handle the fact that the development of globalization and new economy require more energetic market and more active state both, and also offers a frame of positive-sum game to rethink the relationship of state and market in China’s economic transformation.
Though state and market are opposite in the traditional economics frame, comparative political economy replaces despotic power by infrastructural power to define modern state, thus offering a theory frame in which state and market collaborate interdependently. This theoretical perspective is helpful to handle the fact that the development of globalization and new economy require more energetic market and more active state both, and also offers a frame of positive-sum game to rethink the relationship of state and market in China’s economic transformation.
起訖頁 57-67
關鍵詞 國家市場新國家主義建制性權力超越對立StateMarketNew NationalismInfrastructural PowerBeyond Opposition
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 201805 (14:1期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
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