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A Study on Innovational Air Hanger Structure
作者 李佳蓉
本創作係為一種充氣衣架結構,包含有一可充氣框體以及一懸掛件,其中該可充氣框體係包含有一環狀充氣本體及一充氣支撐連接件,該環狀充氣本體係為一圈狀物,而該充氣支撐連接件係連接設置於該環狀充氣本體的至少兩端點上,由於該環狀充氣本體及充氣支撐連接件內部皆有相通的氣囊,故當透過該環狀充氣本體之充氣口充氣後,則能夠使該環狀充氣本體及該充氣支撐連接件內的氣囊撐起,並使該充氣支撐連接件能夠橫向跨越於該環狀充氣本體之至少兩端點上,另外該懸掛件係包含有一定位本體及一懸掛本體,其中該懸掛本體係結合於該充氣支撐連接件上,因此使用者能夠透過該懸掛本體掛於一物件上,以做為一衣架使用。 This work is a kind of air hanger structure that contains a inflatable frame body and a hanging part, among which the inflatable frame body consist of a circular air body and a connection part supported by air. The circular air body is a circular object, and the air-supported connection part links with at least two terminals on the circular air body. Since there is an air bag inside both the circular air body and the supportive connection part to interlink with each other, after inflating the circular air body through the air mouth, the said circular air body and the air supported connection part can be held up, so that the air supported connection part can horizontally across at least two terminals on the circular air body. On the other side, the hanging part is composed by a positioning main body as well as a hanging main body, so the user can hang the hanging main body on an object to function as a hanger.
This work is a kind of air hanger structure that contains a inflatable frame body and a hanging part, among which the inflatable frame body consist of a circular air body and a connection part supported by air. The circular air body is a circular object, and the air-supported connection part links with at least two terminals on the circular air body. Since there is an air bag inside both the circular air body and the supportive connection part to interlink with each other, after inflating the circular air body through the air mouth, the said circular air body and the air supported connection part can be held up, so that the air supported connection part can horizontally across at least two terminals on the circular air body. On the other side, the hanging part is composed by a positioning main body as well as a hanging main body, so the user can hang the hanging main body on an object to function as a hanger.
起訖頁 51-56
關鍵詞 衣架充氣框體懸掛件Air hangerAir Frame BodyHanging Part
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 201805 (14:1期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-上一篇 基隆市國小教師校外教學對國立海洋科技博物館服務品質與滿意度之研究
該期刊-下一篇 超越對立:國家與市場關係的再反思




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